Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Repainting had already started after Taylor had chosen the paint of her choice and the living room was almost done. I was at Woods and Sons waiting for her to show up and choose the furniture of her choice.

I was there only five minutes, when a limousine arrived and Taylor emerged from it, luxuriously clad in clothes that would probably cost me an arm and a leg to make. The look was superficial, but Taylor was stunning.

She was in office wear and by her poise, she looked the part of the young woman married to a ridiculously wealthy man. She held a clutch bag in one hand and her phone in the other. The Upper East Side seemed to be treating her well.

She approached me but before she could say a word, her phone started ringing. She picked it up and spoke as I silently studied her veneer. I almost felt self-conscious, dressed in a pair of blue faded jeans, a white shirt and black boots.

Usually, I never cared about my appearance but standing next to a woman who looked like she owned the class she classified herself in, made me feel a little odd.

“I'm sorry I kept you waiting,” Taylor said once she was done talking on the phone.

I shrugged it off and led the way to the large entrance of the largest furniture store in the city. “We could take a look around, see if you like anything. If you already had something in mind, we could talk to someone for assistance,” I said, wanting to get the whole thing over and done with as soon as time could allow.

“Let's take a look first,” Taylor said.

She must have noticed my discomfort because she had a weird look on her face. We may have been a part for five years but some things were still clearly at play.

“Okay, this way.”

I did my best to avoid eye contact and kept some distance between us as Taylor followed. “How is Kayla?” Taylor asked.

“She's good.”

“And Tracy?”

“She's good too.”

I couldn’t resist looking at her after I answered her question because I wanted to see if it had any effect on her. I thought I saw something, but I must have imagined it because Taylor retreated back behind her mask before I could confirm.

“I would like to see Kayla,” she said.

“Do you want me to give you her address?”

She nodded and I hesitated.

“Is something wrong?” Taylor asked.

“I just remembered that we live together, so maybe just her phone number.” I wasn’t sure I could entertain Taylor in my house.

“Does my presence bother you so much?”

Yes, I wanted to say but I didn't. I wanted to peel off the mask Taylor was wearing and pull out the Taylor I had known and vowed to eternally love. “It's just weird being around you.”

“What is so weird about it?” Taylor asked.

She'd buried the most painful part of her past and wanted no reminder of it. Being around Jordan forced it upon her, but she'd built such strong walls around herself that composure and poise had permanently become part of her.

“You don't seem to be the same Taylor Walker I knew,” Jordan said.

Taylor smiled, then her features slightly hardened as she said, “That's probably because I'm not the same Taylor Walker you used to know. I'm Taylor Langford now. That part of me, together with everything that occupied it died the moment I left this place. I may be back, but that doesn't mean it has been revived.”

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