Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

“You've been in a bad mood since last night. Did something happen?” Kayla asked the following morning when I cursed loudly after I burnt my hand on the stove while making breakfast.

“I'm mad at myself,” I said as Kayla took my hand, examined it, then ran some cold water over it.


“Because I was a fool to let Taylor go. I’d give anything to have her back. But sometimes I look at her, see how good she's got it and I can't help think I made the right choice. But then I look at her again and she's with someone else and that just kills me,” I said.

“Why don't you tell her that you never slept with Tracy, that you said you did because you wanted to set her free.”

“If I was certain it would change anything, I would.”

“Wouldn't it?” Kayla asked.

I closed my eyes as the cool water ran over the burn. The question was, would it? Would Taylor knowing I made such a great sacrifice to set her free change anything? The answer behind the question terrified me. “It wouldn't change the fact that I lied, that I broke her heart when she thought it was true, that five years have passed and I've never told her and that because of me, she is in a loveless marriage.”

Kayla went silent.

“I have to go to work. They're bringing in the new set of seats today and I need to be there to make sure everything runs smoothly.” I was already half an hour late.

“Let me bandage this for you first. In your line of work, it could quickly get infected and make the burn even worse.” Kayla used her first aid skills on my hand and shortly after breakfast, I left.

Angie had already left for school by the time I arrived and I felt bad for not having been there to wish her a good day. Taylor was there, but I couldn't stand to look at her without the memory of the previous night replaying itself in my mind.

When I removed my clothes and changed into my white shirt and worn out blue jeans, my uniform, as it had become, I looked at Kayla's handiwork and knew the bandage wouldn't last the whole day. It would get dirty and probably even torn but before then, it would prevent the wound from getting an infection.

Woods and Sons delivered the new set of seats as scheduled and took ownership of the previous ones. The new set was gorgeous and improved the quality and appearance of the living room.

“Her butt looks so good and tight in those pants. If I were that old bastard I would never be able to keep my hands off her,” Ted said.

It was normal conversation between two male colleagues, especially because it was the only form of entertainment but when I realized that he was talking about Taylor, I got up, walked over to him and asked him to repeat what he'd said to my face.

The other colleagues stood back watching us and Ted, probably thinking it was a joke, repeated the sentence, word for word and before he could finish the statement, I threw a punch that connected with his jaw and knocked him down.

Everyone stood there watching in shock. Ted was on the floor, rubbing his wound as he bled from his mouth. His expression matched those of my other workmates. I had always been physically strong despite my feminine frame and that was why everyone was staring in shock instead of asking for reasons why I had punched him.

“We do not speak like that about our employer,” I said, then stormed out of the room.

I wanted to believe I had punched him because of the reason I had given but I knew I’d be lying. “Jordan, what's going on?” Taylor asked when she found me in Angie's bedroom. She'd witnessed what had happened.

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