Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

“Tracy, what are you doing here?” I asked when Tracy walked in through the large door that led to the living room of the penthouse.

“Wow! This place is a mess,” Tracy said.

It was messy since we had just finished taking everything down and were just starting to apply the undercoat paint on the walls.

“You're a mess,” Tracy said.

I was wearing torn blue jeans and a white tight vest that had smears of paint. My hair was carelessly held up in a ponytail and my arms and shoulders were dusty and dirty in grime. The jeans and vest were my working uniform. Once the day's work was through, I’d shower and change back to what I had been wearing when I had left the house.

“Yeah, well, am working. What's your excuse?” I asked, and heard one of my male colleagues laugh at the statement.

“I wanted to see the penthouse; the before and after experience is always overwhelming.”

I agreed. I had taken pictures of the penthouse right before I had started working on it and was planning to take more for the firm’s portfolio when I was done. “Let me give you a brief tour,” I said and led her out of the living room.

“This is the kid's bedroom.”

“It's just an empty room,” Tracy said.

“Once we're through with it, it'll be a kid's heaven.”

We went to the master bedroom which was stocked with expensive men's wear. “He looks neat,” Tracy said when she saw how perfectly in order everything was neatly arranged.

“Mr. Langford’s employees are very efficient.”

“Where are they staying with all this commotion?”

“It's only two women, a cook and a house cleaner. Gloria managed to talk Mr. Langford into letting them leave the house during the day so that they don't get in our way.”

“He appears to be a very serious businessman. Everything around the room just reeks of business meetings, old expensive wine and Cuban cigars.”

I assumed Tracy said that because of all the formal wear in the large closet and all the business magazines around the room.

“I wonder if he ever has time for his family.”

“I wouldn’t know.”

“He doesn't own a pair of jeans, no golf clubs, no sneakers, not a single thing for leisure.”

“What he does with his time is none of our business.”

“Do you think his wife is also a workaholic?”

How was I supposed to know that? I barely knew Mr. Langford.

“How old is their kid? Do you know?” Tracy continued asking before giving me a moment to respond.

“Four, I think.”

“Boy or girl?”


“She in school?”

Gloria had mentioned something about the little girl being in kindergarten.

“I guess.”

She walked out of the bedroom and I followed after her.

“Tell me when it’s done. I want to see the transformation,” Tracy said and headed to the door.

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