Chapter 8

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 SO, I would love if anyone would vote, promote, comment; etc. And does anyone have ideas for a cast? Also, I need someone to make a cover for me! Ideas, etc. Let me know! Thanks, Krissy

Cori's POV

I ran down the stairs with all the speed I could muster. 

I decided to hide behind the little stage in the living room, there was a curtain covering it; making it the best spot to put my plan to action.

I was still beyond pissed about the locker room; and I did say I was going to get him back. I'm not one of those easy forgiving people. I've always held grudges; atleast until I got even with the son of a bitch who did it.

I set up my trap, setting the timer on the string and making everything perfect. This asshole's gonna pay. 

After I set up, I began to make it more obvious I was in here. 

I began to giggle like a child; just to make some noise and let him think I thought all of this was fun and games.

The curtain flew to the side and I felt strong hands grab me around the waist.

"I found you." His deep voice was so low it sounded like a growl. Damn that was hot. 'NO! Cori what are you thinking? It's time to get revenge on this jerk! Payback's a bitch!' I screamed internally. But my wolf had plenty to say back. 'No. He's your mate. He should be fogrgiven, not punished. You're suppossed to love him!' Whatever. Like I was going to listen to that bullshit. I'm not going to love some jerk.

I laughed. "I guess you did find me, huh? Well I might as well reward you then." I sounded sultry, sexy. Not like me at all. I grabbed his hips and kissed him; I felt tingles pulsing through me. I know it was suppossed to be an act, but I wanted more. 

"No. Finish it. Payback." I reminded myself. I straddled him, and pushed him against the wall. But just then, I startled him by grinding against him, causing him to fall backwards over the rope.

The curtain opened; 'Splat.' Mud, leaves, and who knows what else fell down on him from the bucket I had placed on stage. 

Cheers erupted through the room, clapping and shouting like I had just won the Nobel Prize. I laughed along, until I saw his face.

Cade's face made my heart break. He looked so broken, sad. I think I broke him. That was, until I saw the smirk on his face. 

Cade's POV

Oh damn, she played hardball. It's on. She better be ready. I'll make her admit she wants me like I want her. This entire fiasco just made me like her more.

She wasn't like other girls, she was willing to get what she wants. And damn, she was too good. She knew how to play me, how to get me to comply with her plan.

But i'll soon have her admitting she's mine. Just wait..

I smirked at her, letting it be known that i'd be fighting back. For her. I was going to get her, sooner or later. 

Cori winked at me and smiled. She turned and walked out, her perfectly pear-shaped ass swaying in tune with her hips. Ugh, she's a handfull.

"Hey." Rachel said, sauntering towards me. "hi." I replied, not really giving a shit about her. She still grossed me out. "Oh baby; maybe I could help you cheer up." She winked at me. 

I think I might just have gotten my plan.

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