Chapter 16

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A/N: Ugh. I'm like totally stumped right now. This chapter is kind of a filler and i'm sorry. I am just having a bad case of writer's block. I've been trying not to confuse anyone. I'm sorry if the last chapter confused any of you. I know I had that whole rant thing going on and i'm sorry if that was a little harsh. I explained it to someone and ther were all bleh about it and they marked it as offensive! OMG. It wasn't offensive at all. Which pissed me off. I'm sorry you couldn't handle the sexual content in my answer. Don't read it if you're going to act like such a child.

Chapter 16-

Cade's POV

I literally couldn't believe  anything about Cori's dream. She acted like it was so real. Cori isn't usually so dramatic.. And as a werewolf she shouldn't get sick so easily.

Tony was gone though.. Rachel was gone.. They were all gone. 

I remember the fight Tony and I had. I remembered every single word said; ever single moment of it. Every second.

Two nights ago--

I walked into the pack house; just after arriving from my date. 

I sighed in contentment after walking in; still quite happy about how my date went.

I can't believe how much things have changed in such a short period of time. I can't believe I ended up marking the most beautiful she-wolf in the world; as mine. 

I left out a dry laugh as I set my car keys on the counter.  

"Where were you?" I jumped at the urgent tone Tony was using. I turned to see his usually dark brown eyes were red. "Tony? Is.. That you?" I questioned, still completely awestruck.

"Yes. Now Cade; where were you?" Tony asked me again; this time more bitterly.

"I was out." I replied. I didn't like the way Tony was speaking to me. I was his alpha. 

I stood up straighter; puffing my chest out just to let Tony know that he needed to stand down.

He did just the opposite. 

Tony took a step closer to me; closing the space between us. Our chests were now touching; a clear sign that he wasn't backing down.

Tony's voice changed completely; his voice now held authority as he spoke. "You were with her; weren't you?" Tony challenged me. 

"She's MY mate. Why would that be any of your damn business Tony?" I retorted; angrily. I didn't like the tone of his voice. OR the fact he was standing so damn near me.

Tony chuckled darkly; no humor present in his dry sputtering. "Now; that's where you're wrong. Stay away from her Cade, if you know what's best for you."

I could feel my wolf surging to the surface. How dare he say something like that to me? I was an alpha. The alpha of his pack.

"No. Tony back down." I said; using my alpha voice. The words rang with authority and power as I spoke.

Tony just laughed at me and growled. 

My mouth dropped open in shock. No pack member, hell no wolf that was not an alpha, inside or outside of the pack could deny an alpha's authority.

"Oh, Cade. Didn't catch on now did you? Oh you've always been so daft and ignorant. My wolf's black. I'm an Alpha; Cade. Your tone has no effect on me." Tony laughed in my face.

My wolf was itching it's way to the surface; but I couldn't let it out. I had no idea what kind of stunt Tony was pulling here; even if he was telling the truth. 

I growled; bearing my sharp canines. "Tony; stay away from Cori. She's mine." I angrily warned him through beared teeth.

"Actually; not quite. You have only marked her. You haven't mated." Tony plainly stated; amusement was clear in his expression.

"Shut up! You can't touch her! You're not allowed on my pack's territory again! You're banished Tony! Get out!" I growled; shouting. I swear if he so as layed a single finger on Cori i'd kill him. 

"Oh Cade; you ignorant fool." Tony turned, walked away and stopped just before closing the door behind him.

"I have other ways to reach her." He stated dryly and walked out.


Present time

The realization hit me like a ton of bricks to the head. 

"Shit!" I exclaimed. He got to her through her dream! "Dammit!: I ran to my car as fast as I could and put the key into the ignition.

I knew Cori was going to be sleeping. Dammit. I should've stayed there! If I didn't hurry; god knows what he was going to do to her.

I pulled into her driveway and sprinted to her front door. Fuck knocking; I turned the handle. It was locked. Damn it! There's no time to pick the lock! 

I thrusted my body into the door. It flew open and I ran up the large marble staircase to Cori's room.

I then saw her; she was thrusting around on the bed and sobbing. It was him; it had to be.

I ran over to her side and scooped her up off of her bed. "Cori!" I shook her body; trying to wake her, but it was no use. Nothing was working. It was then I saw my mark on her shoulder dissappear, while another replaced it. 

My heart shattered. 

I broke down. I sat there; sobbing. Not for me; but for Cori. This monster.. He stole her innocence. 

Her eyes fluttered open and she looked up at me. "ca..Cade. It wasn't just a dream." She began crying. 

"I know.. I'm sorry Cori. I'm so sorry I didn't get here soon enough." I spoke softly; trying not to reveal my anger.

"I don't want to be his mate.. Cade.. I want.. you." She spoke softly, but I could tell how afraid she was.

I knew what she was asking me to do; and I would gladly do so.. But I didn't want it to be in spite.

She wanted me to mate her. I knew that our mating would erase both Tony's mark and break apart any kind of bond she had for him.

"Cori.. Are you.. are you sure?" I asked, not quite sure what to do.

"Yes.. Just please; Cade. Erase him." She spoke.

I didn't need to be told twice; as I crashed my lips onto hers.


A/N: I hoped this cleared up some confusion! And yes; Cori and Cade are going to mate next chapter. Leave me some comments down below and tell me what you think! Vote, Fan, Comment! Thanks everyone!

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