Chapter 9

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Cori's POV

Garett met up with some guy; so I was forced to walk home wearing my heels and rather skanky dress. I probably looked like a lost hooker or something! 

I trudged down Cale's long driveway and onto the road. It was dark out and I couldn't really help but wonder if I should've just asked for a ride home. 

But; I was a werewolf.. So it's not like I was going to get mugged or anything. With that said; I began to feel a little better. 

"Shit" I mumbled as I noticed that I stepped into a rather large and muddy puddle. I proceeded to take off my heels and threw them into the ditch. 

It's not like I was planning on wearing them again anyways. The shoes made a rather loud clunking noise; which startled the birds in a nearby tree; causing them to fly away. 

I couldn't help it when chills ran down my spine. Walking in the middle of nowwhere at god knows how late at night really wasn't one of my greatest ideas to par. 

My hair stood up as I had the strange feeling I was being watched. But; by who? 

I glanced all around me; trying to use my heightened senses to figure out just what exactly was going on. When I didn't see anything; I decided yet to do another stupid thing.

"hello?" I shouted. "Is anyone there?" No response.

But just then I saw a figure move out of the tree. Chills ran down my entire body; causing me to shake. The man peered out at me; looking rather sinister.

His nuclear yellow eyes were burning a hole through my very soul. He smirked devilishly, showing a full set of sharp white fangs. His black hair was drifting in the breeze; adding to his mystique. 

The man stood roughly about six feet five inches; probably towering over most people. He was broad shouldered and musculaer; I have no doubt he would be able to take me. 

I breathed in, inhalling the strange man's scent and I gasped repungantly. This guy smelt horrible! I felt like someone has stuck a dagger up my nose. Not only did he look scary; but he smelt of it too. 

I expected him to lunge at me; but he stood still keeping the smirk he wore on his face. 

"What do you want?" I breathed heavily. I don't think I had ever been this scared in my life. 

"You." He laughed; almost as if I was a stupid child.

He began to walk towards me, slowly. As if I were his prey and he was on the hunt. 

But just then, a rather loud car horn blared from behind me. I turned to see the driver; Tony. 

Tony was Cade's best friend, and he was also my teammate. "Cori! What are you doing standing in the middle of nowhere at one in the fucking morning dressed like that!? Get in the car!" Tony obviously hadn't seen the man.

I hopped into Tony's oversized Jeep Wrangler. It was beat up, but still comfortable and passable as a car. I hid my former emotions from the man chasing me.

"Hey. Thanks." I said, trying to sound casual. 

I turned and looked for the man with the yellow eyes; but he was gone. 

Damn he was quick.

"So, why exactly are you dressed like that?" Tony asked me, trying not to sound completely rude.

"Uhm yeah, well I was at Cade's party... And I was sort of forced into this." I replied, nonchalantly.

"Oh, well you should dress like that more often. You look hot." I blushed at his comment. I wasn't really used to being called 'hot'. 

"Oh by the way, nice prank you pulled on Cade. Don't tell anyone I said this... But he needed it. That boy's ego has gotten out of control." We both laughed. It was suprising because Tony wasn't necessarily like Cade. Tony respected other people, was very humble, and always made sure to help others; no matter the cost. 

I carefully examined Tony's face; like I was trying to remember everything about him. His chocolate brown eyes even smiled when he did. His beard was just enough to seem prickly, and even though he wasn't clean-shaven he was still attractive. Tony had this sort of warm glow to him that was hard to miss.

"Hey, earth to Cori, you okay over there?" He chuckled. "Yeah; I'm fine! Sorry!" I smiled back at him; trying to make it seem like I wasn't just checking him out; even though my face was probably completely red.

Tony pulled into my driveway and stopped his car. 

"Hey, Cori?" He asked, smiling enough so I could see his straight, pearly white teeth.


"Uh I was wondering if you'd maybe want to uhm.. Go out with me sometime?" He asked, earnestly. Tony was blushing. He looked so innocent.

"I'd love to." I smiled at him wholeheartedly. 

"So, does tomorrow at 8 sound like a good time? I can pick you up at your house." 

"Yeah, sure."

I turned to leave, but Tony pulled me back into a bone crushing hug. He pulled away shortly afterwards and I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Goodnight, Tony." I said, smiling.

"Night, see you tomorrow." Tony winked at me and walked away. 

I watched as his car pulled out of my driveway and into the road. I sat there, smiling like an idiot and blushing. 

I walked into my house to of course, none other than Alec.

"Where the hell have you been? I've been worried sick about you! It's two in the morning! Who was that boy, and why the hell did he come near you?!?" Alec seemed furious, asking me what seemed like a million questions per minute.

"I was at a party and was going to walk home, but Tony gave me a ride back. And he's my teammate." I replied, not necessarily wanting to have this conversation with Alec at the moment.

"Yeah, okay teammates definitely blush as much as you do after hugging.." He laughed. 

"Ugh, boys these days. Anyways; I'm tired so i'm going to get some sleep. See you tomorrow." I shouted as I made my way upstairs to my bedroom. 

As soon as I entered, I plopped on my bed and was instantly asleep. Dreams of the yellow-eyed man distrupted my sleep as I pictured him grinning devilishly, pointedly at me.


Unknown's POV

"Hmmph. What a pity. She got away. Know this my Diavoletto; I always get what I want.


A/N: Diavoletto: 'Little Devil' in Italian. Anyways, tell me what you think about this chapter! Thanks!

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