Chapter 11

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A/N: sorry for the long wait everyone! I went to go visit my family back in Chicago and had finals all this week! I've been super busy! Buuut, because I hurt my hip I can't run for a couple weeks AND I don't have school; so expect frequent uploads! Sorry for the long wait everyone! 

Vote; Comment; Fan; etc! Thanks!


Cori's POV

I can't believe I went from almost going out with Cade's best friend; to now going out on a date with him instead. Oh gosh, this whole "Go with it" thing has definitely been turning some tables on me. 

Tony was a good guy and all; but I don't think it'd be a good idea to go out with him.  When Cade and Tony had switched into their wolves and fought. I couldn't help but gasping in awe at their wolf forms. Cade's large white wolf was almost the complete opposite of Tony's black one. 

The difference between their wolves was just unlike any other one I had seen. I knew that both completely white and completely black wolves were rare. They both radiated power; both forms were suppossed to belong to only alphas. My wolf was white; because I not only was of alpha blood; but my mate was a white wolf; also.  This trait is for all mates; to ensure their pups will have their characteristics. Esspecially to ensure that alpha blood will stay pure.

I just couldn't really wrap my head around Tony's form. If he was an alpha; why was he in Cade's pack? Not an alpha of another pack? I would definitely have to get to the bottom of this.. Something just wasn't right.

I glanced over at the clock and noticed that it had already read seven. Shit; I was going to be late for my date with Cade. I turned my head to my bed and saw that Garrett had already laid out a pair of white skinny jeans and a black V neck for me. Thank god. 

I pulled on the clothes he had set out for me and took a deep breath. I looked in the mirror and noticed that the clothes actually suited me well. The V neck enhanced my bust line and showed my natural curves. The jeans seemed to lengthen my legs and make my hips seemingly thinner. I smiled in contentment and slipped on a pair of black sandals.

I decided to leave my hair down and natural. My long dirty blonde hair wavy and hanging down past my shoulders. I heard a car pull into the driveway and I knew it was Cade.

The doorbell rang and of course; Cade was standing there. He was looking somewhat awkward and a little nervous. But why? I'm sure he had been on many dates before; right?

Cade's POV

I stood at Cori's door; hands slightly shaking and my knees feeling weak. I just wished I could prove I was a better guy than I seemed and that I could be a good mate. There was just something about Cori that had always seemed to catch my off guard. She just wasn't like anyone else. Not just becaue of her beauty; but Cori had always been all-natural. She didn't need makeup or hairspray to make her beautiful.

Cori didn't care about any of that stuff; she didn't want to be popular, she didn't care about what clothes she wore or how she looked, hell she even liked sports. I definitely got lucky when it came to my little mate. She was perfect; in every single way possible. 

Every other girl seemed pale in comparisson to my beautiful Cori. I can't believe how foolish I had been before; sleeping with so many different girls, acting like I owned everything, and I couldn't believe how self absorbed I had been. But now, now everything is about my mate. My Cori.

Cori opened the door, looking beautiful as always. I flashed her a warm smile; but i'm sure it came off as lopsided because I was so nervous at this point. I handed Cori the flowers I had got for her and she smiled at me; bearing her perfect white teeth. She happily took the flowers and set them into a vase next to the door. 

"Shall we?" I held out my hand for her to take.


What do you guys think so far? I'll have more of Cori and Cade's date soon! Vote; comment; fan!

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