Chapter 13

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A/N: Well, again i'm uploading because I have nothing better to do! Haha wow; it's kinda sad. But atleast it gets my mind off of everything! I've been stressing like crazy during the last couple of weeks and I feel like writing this story has been able to get my mind off of everything! Again, I would like to remind everyone that I would really appriciate some more votes and comments. I really do want to know what you guys think about this book and I do appriciate those who are commenting and are helping me out here. I need more votes; however if I want anymore reads and i'd love if everyone would pitch in. There's hundreds of people following this book; yet no one wants to comment or vote! Haha c'mon everyone! Again, I will dedicate chapters soon! ;D

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Cori's POV

I watched as Cade's blue ford pulled out of my driveway. I sighed; thinking of how the night had went before. I smiled as I put my hand on the mark Cade had left on my shoulder. I carressed it with my fingers, feeling slight sparks just from the feel of it. I never thought Cade would be able to make me smile, let alone from the thought of him marking me.

Cade just put up a front, like most people in highschool had. I usually kept to myself; but somehow everyone had always knew me. I had the tendency to tell people exactly what I thought and it made me look like a daft bitch.

But; I never let it get to me. 

I sighed as I walked over to the living room; taking in my surroundings. I had never really looked around the house; I had the unusual tendency to sit in my room and not really 'explore' much. 

The living room was rather large, a big, theater size flatscreen hung on the right wall; covering it completely. The marble walls seemed to go from grey to white, to even black in certain areas. 

I carressed the marbel with my hands, enjoying it's smooth feel beneath my fingertips. That was; until I felt a small crack. "What's this?" I thought to myself. It was so easily camoflauged into the wall ; that I knew not to make a scene of finding it.

I slid my hands into the crack; until I heard a faint clicking noise. It popped open with ease. I slipped inside; making sure I closed it behind me.

I walked down the large corridor; feeling quite enclosed in the small cubby-like hallway. 

I came into a large room filled with cabinets, shelves, and desks. All filled with files. There was a large desk in the middle of the room; which automatically caught my attention. On it was newspaper clippings readin "Alphas of Pack Killed, Children Missing", "Fire Burns Down Pack Territory, Hundreds Killed, Thousands Injured", and "Solving the Deaths of the Danielsons". 

Could it be possible that my parents deaths weren't just accidental? It couldn't have been. Alec was hiding something. I knew it. He was researching the deaths of our parents, he knew. He knew something I didn't.

I heard faint footsteps coming down the corridor. Afraid; I crawled under the desk and held my breath.

I heard steps that roared thunderously through the room. I breathed in; noticing Alec's scent right away. Alec for some reason carried around a strong musky scent; almost like he was a walking evergreen tree. I had to stifle the giggle threatening to escape my lips as the image of Alec being a large, evergreen tree; with tennis shoes hanging from his trunk to resemble legs and long, muscular arms formed by branches. He'd definitely make one dorky christmas tree.

A loud, angry voice shook me from my thoughts. Obviously Alec was too busy; hence why he never noticed my scent filling the room.

"No! How the fuck did he get into this territory?!" Alec boomed; I had never heard him this angry before. "Well; I don't give a shit! It was your job to secure the borders and make sure Cori is safe at all times! She doesn't deserve this; yet again NONE of us asked for some pyhscopath to come and burn our whole fucking clan to the ground. Oh, and did I mention that sick fuck brutally murdered our parents whilst my brother, Cori, and I all had to watch helplessly?!" Alec laughed; but it was more of a sick, cynical scoffing noise; clearly meant to show sarcasm in what he was saying.

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