Chapter 4: Bad day or not?

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I just can't fall asleep. I've had a weird weekend starting at my sweet. I had a lot of fun but it was strange hugging Oliver and listening to Jake who wants to start a relationship again.

I've been thinking about Jake and Oliver a lot. It maybe sounds weird but I think my feelings for Jake start to grow again. His words really got to me and he told me he made a mistake leaving me for Amy. He really has changed. I mean he even looks hotter than a few years ago. And I guess he quit smoking and drinking to much too. He at least stopped thinking he and Amy would ever work out. I mean she looks nice, she has got the perfect body curves and her face isn't covered with pimples but if she's intelligent? That's an other story. She has the brain of a bread crumble. I'm serious the only thing she is good in is manipulating people and making people feel bad. She has been with so many boys that people don't even bother to count anymore.

Today was just a lazy day. Iris stayed the night and then stayed the rest of the day. We watched Netflix and ate a lot of ice cream and chips. It was kinda fun doing nothing. I also told her about what happened the night before. First Oliver, then Jake and then Michael. I actually never told her anything about Jake yet so we had a looonnggg conversation. I think she doesn't like Jake that much and I can tell she's more team Oliver. She didn't really like Michael either.
Now it's 00:01 am and I'm tired of just lying down doing nothing. I take my phone and put on music. It makes me sleep better.

It felt like an eternity before I finally fell asleep. I literally stand up feeling like a zombie, my face even looks like one. I need to add like a million layers of concealer under my eyes. And even then you can still see the color purple. I don't really feel that okay today so I choose to wear something comfy. It was going to rain anyway so I take a pair of white skinny jeans and a large baby pink hoodie. I put on my new white Nikes and take my backpack. I go downstairs and eat a banana while looking outside. It already starts to rain and I'm really not looking forward biking to school. But whatever, I already look bad so if my hair curls there's something more to gossip about.
Mom drives Theo to kindergarten on her way to work. Unfortunately my school is at the whole other side of town.
I put on my cap from my hoodie and take my bike. All of my friends go by car when it's raining because they have parents that actually care about them. Not that my parents don't care, they do it's just they don't want to drive me to school just because it's raining. That really sucks.
I put on my headphone and listen my favorite songs at the moment. It's so windy that I can barely go further a few meters. But I keep going. As if it can't get any worse, all of a sudden I feel a splash of water falling on me. I was wet I know but now I'm literally soaked. The car that caused me this just drove away and didn't even bother to stop and ask if I was doing okay.
"FUCK!!!", I scream. At this moment I don't care if people hear me.
"What happened to you? Did you take a bath or something?", I hear someone laughing. When he stops beside me I immediately recognized him. It's the boy with who I danced with at my sweet, Michael.
"Haha so funny!"
"Being sarcastic hm."
"No kidding!", I started to see blurry. Why did this have happen to me.
"Hey sorry, I didn't mean to upset you."
"Mhmm", I start to cry. I'm so happy he can't really see it. You can't really see a difference because I'm wet already.
"Hey let's just go to school we'll find you some dry clothes there."

When we arrived at school we were to late. We had to go to my locker first to get a pair of dry clothes. They were my gym clothes but better than nothing. I walked to class and knocked on the door. Michael has another lesson to go to.
"Enter.", I hear. I open the door and feel 30 eyes looking at me.
"Tessa! I'm happy your here today but let's not make this happen more often."
I walk to the only empty seat left. My friends apparently dropped me for other girls and boys. So now I'm here sitting next to, I believe a new girl. Or I think she's new.
"Adelaide", she says.
"Tessa", I say kinda annoyed after what happened. It was still in a nice way I guess.
"I'm new here.", she says.
"I think I saw you today on the bike." My face immediately turned her way.
"You came here by car or bike?"
"It's raining, why would I come by bike."
"So your the one who splashed me without stopping."
"Owe yeah sorry for that. My dad was in a hurry."
"Uhu, sure.", I don't bother talking or looking at her anymore.
"Tessa let's hangout sometime?"
I luckily don't have time to answer because the school bell goes. I quickly clean up and run to the toilets.
I go to the sink and wash my face and hands. My concealer was gone anyways. Luckily I didn't put on any mascara this morning.
I go outside and wait somewhere where it's dry.
I take my phone and I hesitate if I should ask Jake to come pick me up after school. I have to talk to him anyways. Okay here it goes: Hi Jake... I'm wondering if you could pick me up after school. I came by bike and I don't want to have to go through this rain again. Tessa xx
Not a minute later he replies: I'm glad you asked. I'll be there and we'll put your bike in the back. See you soon. xxx
"How are you doing?", I hear Michael and I smile. He kind of made me feel better this morning.
"Hiiii and well better I guess.", I look at him and give him a hug. I felt that he didn't expect but then he hugged me back.
"What did I do to get this?"
"I don't know. I just needed it and you were the one I saw first.", I laughed.
"Well then I'm glad. Here.", he gives me a piece of paper. I unfold the piece and I see a number. I start blushing.
"Uhm, I'll be sure to call you later."
"I hope so.", he chuckles.

The rest of day is better than this morning. I think it's because of Michael. He's sweet and cute. He just makes me feel better whenever he's around. As I leave school to get my bike I see Jake leaning against his car. His hair is curling from the rain and he's watching everyone leave the school ground. From here I can see that he's smoking. I at least hoped he wouldn't do it when I was around because he knows how much I hate it. But you can't have everything.
As I walk towards him he throws his cigarette on the ground and walks towards me too. He takes my bike and puts it in the trunk. He then walks to me again and gives me a hug.
"I've missed you, again.", my lips curl up into a smile.
"I guess I've missed you too."
"I guess?", I can hear he's confused.
"Well you know I'm not sure yet."
"We'll continue talking when we're home."
He walks back to the drivers seat and starts the car. I take a seat next to him and put on my seatbelt.
When we arrive at aunt Elisabeth's house and not mine I'm confused.
"Aren't you going to bring me home.", I ask probably confused.
"After we have talked."
"Euhm.. okay." I'm still not 100% sure if I want to start a relationship with him. But I guess it's worth another try.

When we get inside I go and sit on the couch. Jake comes and sits next to me.
"Where's Elisabeth?"
"She's working in the salon."
"Oww okay"
"So I wanted to know if you feel the same way about me as I feel about you."
"I really love you Tessa. Again, I'm so sorry for leaving you for Amy. It was the biggest mistake I've ever made."
"Please Tessa?", his eyes are filled with hope. I can tell he really cares about me.

What's Tessa gonna answer. Well you're gonna have to find out in the next chapter. I still hope you like it. I'm not really good in writhing these things. So you're gonna have to be happy with this short writers note;)

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