Chapter 12: The shock

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I walk up and I'm deciding how I'm going to tell him. I stand still in front of his door and then find the courage to open it. I'm full of good energy, but what I see here will always stay printed in my head. I gasp and I feel that I'm going to cry any moment.
Clothes are spread out on the floor. I trace the clothes with my eyes until they reach the bed. I see Jake's bare, muscular back. But he's not alone I can hear someone giggling. The pitch is to high to be from Jake. Underneath him lies a girl, she's wearing a red dress that has crawled up to her hips already. The girl grabs a hold of his belt and opens it.
"Oh god!", she giggles. I can't believe my eyes. They still continue so I decide to let them know I'm here. I push open the door and make it slam against the wall. She immediately stops giggling and looks up. I can't believe it! He betrayed me with her? Again!? Seriously!?
"Are you freaking kidding me!?", I yell at him. In throw my hands up in the air and let them drop again against my legs. He gives me the look that says that I have nothing to say about it.

"Amy!? Oh god! I can't believe this!", I keep yelling the whole time. I feel tears drop down my cheek. As if this wasn't worse enough he has the nerve to laugh. This guy has got some serious problems. Amy takes a hold of his cheek again and starts kissing him fully on the lips. The whole time I'm looking at whatever is going on. I can't believe he doesn't push her away.
When they finally stop he smiles at me and yells back: "Get the f*ck out! We're kinda in the middle of something. I'll call you later.", he says gives me a wink and turns back to her. I slam the door shut and run downstairs. On my way down I take my phone and call him, the one guy that can comfort me in anything.
"Hello?", I hear from the other side.
"Euhm.. Can you please come pick me up. I don't feel good... and please?", it's a wonder that he understood me. I spoke so quietly and was also crying.
"Hey are you okay? We're do I pick you up?", I can feel the concern in his voice. "Appelbloomstreet 36.", I say softly.
"I'm on my way, stay there.", he says and then hangs up. I don't know why people always say things like don't move when they're trapped or so and why they say, stay there when you have no where else to go. But it's nice that he's so concerned.

After about 10 minutes I hear a car approach. It's about the same car Moon has. He stops right in front of me and opens the door to get out. When I see his face I immediately start crying again. He walks to me and puts his arms around me. Other to Jake, Oliver isn't that muscular, what I don't mind because he's way kinder and so much more caring. I know that my mascara is probably dripping on his t-shirt but he doesn't seem to mind.
After a few more minutes standing there we let go and I get in the car. I'm so glad aunt Elisabeth didn't hear us although I was shouting pretty loud. She was probably doing someone's hair or so.
"Where do you wanna go?", he asks carefully.
"Euhm can you just bring me home please?", I say, still sobbing.
"Yeah sure.", he says and gives me a smile that's comforting me. I give him a smile back. I don't know if it's a real one or fake. I'm feeling different things at the same time.
Oliver stops in front of my house and turns of the engine. I unbuckle myself and want to step out.
"Hey do you want to tell me what's going on?", he softly asks.
"Not really.", I quietly sat and look at my shoes.
"Okay but if you ever need to talk about anything, I'll be here.", he takes my hands while saying that. I give him a kiss on the cheek and walk home.

I walk upstairs and enter my room. I'm glad mom and dad aren't home yet other wise they would see something's up. I didn't tell anyone about my relationship with Jake so I can't really explain to someone what's going on. I'll just tell everyone I'm sick. I actually really look sick. In my room I try and do my homework but the thing that was going on there keeps repeating in my head. I put on music to help me concentrate but nothing works. Ughhh!! I stand up and take my clothes off and put on some jogging clothes. I put on my shoes again, take my phone and plug in my headphone. I start running and running to I don't know where. At a certain point I am breathing so heavily that I decide to sit down. My phone buzzes and when I look at it, i received a message from mom.
Where are you? Dinners ready...
Oh gosh it's so late. It's already 19:45, I don't remember at what time I left the house but I'm out for a long time. I start running back as fast as possible and finally arrive at 20:15. I open the door and mom and dad are already waiting there for me.
"Where have you been? It's dark outside! Do you know how worried you're father and I have been?"
"I was out running and lost track of time... I'm sorry.", I softly say rubbing my arms.
"Go upstairs and go to bed.", she says and then turns her back to me to walk to the kitchen. I'm not that hungry anyways so it's no big of a deal.

I walk upstairs to the bathroom, get rid of my clothes and take a steamy shower. After that I brush my teeth, comb my hair and walk back to my room.

Our cat is sleeping on my bed and he's looks so cute and peaceful so I let him stay there and get in next to him.

Another chapter... hope you enjoy!

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