Chapter 18: The day of the competition

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"Oh my gosh! I'm so freaking out!" Sienna says.

"Girl please, you're handling the stress very well then. I'm literally shaking." Moon says while jumping up and down shaking her arms.

"Aww crap!" The girls turn and look at me. "What?"

"My eyeliner is all smooshed out."
"Move over, I'll help out." Iris walks over to me and sits down beside me. She takes over the pencil and draws a perfect wing.

"Thanks. I love it." "No problemo." She says and smiles.

We're all dressed to match with our partners. Since my partner is Kevin and he wanted to wear gold, I am now wearing a strapless, golden sparkly dress. On my feet I'm wearing black pumps. My hair is up in a ponytail and it has a golden ribbon as a tie. Kevin's wearing a pair of jeans with a white shirt and a goldenish tie.

Moon's wearing a grayish sweater and also a jeans short. Her hair is curling and is hanging loose on her shoulders. Her long black boots reach her knees. She looks hot if I do say so myself. Charlie decided to be lazy and shows up with a grey jogging and black t-shirt.

Iris and Jason are both into the camouflaging thing. so they're wearing a camouflaging pair of trousers and a greenish t-hsirt. Iris' hair is up in a high ponytail and is wearing a cap.

Sienna and Louis kept it simple and are wearing white. Literally everything's white. From clothes  to shoes to socks.

"Tessa!?" Ugh not again ... Kevin's looking for me for like the tenth time the past hour.

"Where did you put my shoes? I can't find them and we're supposed to be up soon ...' This boy is killing me. Literally.

"How would I know? I don't even know what pair you're gonna wear."

"Never mind, found them." He walks towards us and kneels down beside a box where he apparently put his shoes when he wasn't paying attention.

"Jenna and Mathew, you guys are up next so make sure you're warmed up."  Our gym teacher says. "Tessa and Kevin, you're after them so if you want to rehearse better do it now."

Oh my gosh. I'm starting to freak out. My hands are getting slippery and I'm starting to shake.

"Hey, you're gonna be fine." Someone grabs me from behind and pulls me into a hug. I can tell it's Oliver by the aftershave he's wearing, with all the special herbs in them. I look up to meat his beautiful brow eyes that are looking down into mine.

"Euhm ... I have something to ask you." I look down trying to figure out how I'm going to say this.  "Yesterday I saw pictures of you and Adelaide ..."

"Tessa... they were totally fotoshopped. I would never go out with her. I... I love you ..." Oh my gosh! He just said the ily words. My hart is melting and I give him a soft kiss.

"I love ... you too." I give him one last kiss before going up on stage more confident then I was before.

I take my position in the middle on the stage and sit on the ground in a crying position I guess. While Kevin is standing a few centimeters beside me actually pushing me away or something. I don't know what he was trying to do but all he said was and I quote: "Tessa all you have to do at the moment is go sit on the ground and act like a crying child." So that's what I'm doing now and I have nothing to say.

When the song finally starts I stand up again. He grabs my hand and swirls me towards him so I land in between his arms. The rest of the dance goes flawless and we end our dance with a hug. We both bow and gladly take the applause from the audience.

The last dance tonight is the duet from Oliver and Adelaide. I have no idea what the name of the song was, I'm sure that it wasn't Olivers pick. The dance was a lot of jumping onto each other. More like Oliver was just moving along the stage while Adelaide was always jumping on him and trying to be sexy, which she was not. She was literally trying to make a fool of her self. No ... actually, she was just making a fool out of herself.

Oh. My. Freaking... "Holly sh*t!" On stage Adelaide is kissing my boyfriend. She is biting his lips off or something. The audience goes wild and starts clapping and shouting that their performance was so good. I feel tears coming up and start running away.

"Tessa ...! It wasn't what it looked like!" Oliver is running after me so I start running faster even though he's going to catch up sooner or later. He grabs my arm to make me stop and it works.

"WHAT!? What do you want? Tell me you didn't just kiss her out there! Tell me you didn't enjoy it!" The tears are rolling down my cheeks and I angrily wipe them away.

"We kissed yes, but it wasn't my plan. She came to me by surprise. And of course I didn't enjoy it. Why would I? When I already have and amazing girlfriend like you."

"I'm sorry Oliver, but I need some time to think things through without a boyfriend." With those words I leave him behind and walk away towards my car and drive home in silence.

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