Chapter 15: Halloween

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"Tessa! Tessa! Tessa!", I open my eyes and see my little brother jumping on my bed.

"Do you know what day it is?" He excitingly asks.

"It's weekend Theo! Let me sleep!" My brother is so annoying.

"IT'S HALLOWEEN!" He shouts and starts jumping around more.

Ughh. "It's also morning and Saturday. Bye Theo." His smile turns into a frown and his frown becomes angrier. He walks away like a grumpy little man. It's 9:15 and I can't fall a sleep again so I decide to wake up and make something of my day. Mom will force me to go trick or treating later on in the day. I don't say I hate it but Theo can be a little annoying sometimes and he's very sneaky too.

I walk downstairs and in the kitchen I can see Michael standing there. My father talking to him and is offering a cup of, probably, coffee.

"Morning dad!" Dad looks at me with a smile and gives me a kiss on my forehead. "Morning Michael! What are you doing here so early?" I open the fridge and take out the milk and orange juice . All the glasses are dirty so I take a coffee cup and pour in the orange juice.

"Taking you shopping for halloween costumes! Duhh." It's a family tradition to wear a costume each year and I told him about it and he seemed to like it. A day of shopping it is.

The cornflakes is already on the table so I go and sit down. I empty the bag of cornflakes and pour in the milk.

"When are we leaving?" I ask with my mouth full.

"Whenever you are ready." He says and walks to couch and jumps in it. He takes his phone and starts texting. He's been here a lot lately and my parents care for him as if it's their own son even though we've only known each other a couple of weeks.

When I'm done I quickly run upstairs and put on a pair of jeans and a sweater and then rush myself in the bathroom. I brush my hair and while doing that I'm also brushing my teeth. I actually gotten quite handy in doing that at the same time.

I'm finally done and hurry myself downstairs. Michael is still sitting in he couch and sneak up to him and scare him.

"HAPPY HALLOWEEN!"  I shout as loud as I can in his ear. He jumps up and drops his phone.

"AAHHH! What the hell was that for?" He says and puts his hands on his chest. My answer is a mean smile. Not really mean but more like a playful mean smile. He picks up his phone and immediately gives me a dirty look. "Because of you my phone is broken, thanks Tessa." I immediately feel guilty and apologize.

"Sorry wasn't on purpose."

"Yeah whatever, lets just go." He stands up and walks towards his car. When he walks past me I can see there's a huge crack in his screen. 'Ooops', I think.

When we arrive in town, we get out of the car and walk towards the costume shop.

"Hey." I tap on his shoulder and he still looks angry at me. "I'm sorry, didn't want that to happen."

"It's fine, doesn't matter. I'm getting a new phone anyways." Lucky guy. I still have my iPhone 5s from a couple of years ago. "What are you going to dress up for?" Good question, I have no idea actually.

"Probably Black Widow or something." I'm probably going to dress up being her. She really cool with her guns and all that. Her fighting skills aren't bad either. "How about you?"

"Cool, cool! I have no idea. I'll find something there."

In the shop I go find my outfit. When I'm about to pay I hear voices, I turn around and look straight into the eyes of Oliver. Even though we're friends, every time I see him, my heart skips a beat. The thing I love most about him are his eyes, they have the color of a chocolate bar. People say that brown eyes are just brown but if you're crushing on somebody with brown eyes they're the most beautiful colored eyes you've ever seen. They shine out happiness. His lips are light pink and very soft. I even got a chance to touch them once. With that idea I start to smile and an adrenaline kick goes through my body.

"Oliver ..." Usually i've got words ready but now my whole vocabulary is gone.

"Tessa ..." He says on the sam tone and then starts smiling. "Who are you dressing up for?" I don't know that I'm staring until he says my name again.

"Hum? Sorry, what?" He chuckles, gosh, he looks cute when he does that.

"Who are you dressing up for?" He asks for the second time.

"Oww ..." I hold up my suit. "Black widow." He then holds up his suit. "Hawkeye." That's a coincidence.

"Sadly you don't have a bow and arrow." He holds up his other hand and shows me a bow and arrows.

"That's so cool!" I say excitingly and walk forward to touch the bow. Before I could touch it I fall over my own suit and land on top of him. I want to stand up but he pulls me back. I look questionable at him and he leans in and then ... Well you can guess what happens. We kiss and it feels amazing.

"You doing okay, Tessa?" Michael stands in front of me and helps me back up.

"Yeah fine, thanks. Just tripped over my suit." Oliver is already standing up straight and is walking towards me again.

"You want to go to the halloween party tonight, with me?" This is going to be a date, right? Oh gosh, I can feel my cheeks turning pink. Shit... Theo.

"Uhm ... I have to go trick or treating with my brother tonight. Sorry ..." I really wanted to go.

"No problem, I'll go with you then. I'll bring my little sister too then." He has a little sister? Another thing I know extra about him.

"Sure, why not. See you tonight then." He smiles and gives me a small kiss on the cheek before heading towards the cashier. Michael has been looking at all this for the past 5 minutes or so and is now wiggling with his eyebrows.

"Oh shut up!" I say while chuckling. "I didn't even say anything yet."

"But I know what you were going to say. Anyways I have a kind of date tonight, so would you mind going trick or treating with someone else?" I say with puppy eyes.

"I heard, no problem. I'll go to that party he was talking about. Probably going to ask Mason too." If you've been wondering, they've sort of been a thing lately. They really look adorable together.

After we have payed we drive back home and I get ready for tonight.

Another chapter! Enjoy! ByeBye

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