Chapter 14: Practice

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"Everyone can choose their own song and you will have one month to prepare your dance. When the month is over you'll have to perform it with your partner for the whole school. We have planned a surprise for the winners! So I would say do your best!" I hear people whispering and I look up at Kevin. His eyes look like they're shining. He's probably got something big planned.
"And start!" Kevin pulls me aside and starts brainstorming or more like telling me what we're going to do.

"Okay so I was thinking about the song 'say you won't let go' from James Arthur. Maybe we could do something more intimate. We'll surly win if we do something like that. So yeah we're doing that. If you've got any more ideas, they're always welcome." I'll probably will have nothing to say in all this but whatever. Better a guy that knows what he's doing then a guy that doesn't know anything.

"Sure... I was thinking maybe we could not do something intimate bec-"

"We're definitely doing that. I promise I'm not that bad in dancing." It's one dance. I'll survive, I hope.

"What do you mean with 'I promise I'm not that bad in dancing.'?, I ask kinda curious. "Because I'm 100% sure that I can't dance."

"You're my dance partner and you're close with Oliver over there so fine I'll tell you.", he probably wanted to say in hisself but that he said out loud. " I'm in a dance group so I actually know how to dance and I'll teach you then. Before we start, show me your moves." I have never heard him speak so much. I barely get the chance to talk in between because he always cuts me off. Dance? I need to show him how I dance? A good song I can dance on, anyone? Voices in my head, do you have an idea? Ugh i'm not looking forward to it.

I guess I'll just have to show him the best I've got. He turns on the music. The song that's playing at the moment is the song he wants to perform with me: 'say you won't let go'. At first I just stand there not knowing what to do. The looks that everybody give me don't help either. Kevin notices that I don't like them staring so he just puts me in a corner. That's actually worse because now everyone's gonna think we're doing dirty things. 

"Nobody's looking anymore so surprise me!", he says while looking down at me.

 He plays the song from the beginning and now I have to dance. I start moving my legs and arms on the rhythm of the song. I close my eyes because I don't want to see the laughing face of Kevin. When the song finally comes to an end I hear people clapping. I open my eyes and see my classmates looking at me and clapping for me. 

I look at Oliver and he's smiling at me, I smile back and I feel that I'm getting red. Adelaide is standing next to him and takes a hold of his hand. Oliver immediately pulls his hand away and is looking at her now. Adelaide looks shocked and backs up. Oh well. I start smiling even more.

"So so, the girl that said that she couldn't dance, that was really impressive Tessa! You should consider joining our dance group. Continue dancing like that and we'll definitely win, I think we will. ", he walks up to me and gives me a high five. The only thing he cares about it winning or so. But is he serious? Joining the dance group he's in? We'll see I'm not good so I don't get why. But I appreciate him for saying that. 

Kevin shows me a few moves that we could do. Luckily in the beginning we have to dance alone and then we're supposed to get closer and closer which kinda sucks. 

Gym is finally over and I walk towards my friends. 

"This was so exhausting!", Moon says while fanning her face with her hands. "Charlie really can't dance.", she then says and sits down on the bench in the locker room. 

"You were really good, a few minutes ago.", Sienna says while untying her shoes.

"I was not.", I open my locker and take out my normal clothes. 

"Yeah you were. Oliver was looking jealous when you were dancing with Kevin.", Iris says and wiggles her eyebrows. 

"Did you see Adelaide?", Moon says. We all shout at the same time: "FAIL!" and start laughing so loud. 

"GIRLS KEEP IT QUIET IN THERE!", we hear Mr. Stone shout. We look at each other and start laughing harder. The other girls are looking weird at us and Adelaide is looking at us with a deathly glare. 

The rest of the time we have left we get dressed without talking. I don't like silence so after after a few minutes, I start talking again. "Did you know that Kevin and Oliver are in a dance group and he invited me to join them.", I say while looking at them. 

"Really?", Moon asks. "Then you're lucky. Jason really can't dance, no offense Jason.", Iris adds. "Louis isn't that good either.", Sienna also adds while putting on her jacket. 

"I'm sure you will all do great.", I say and then we walk outside where everyone is waiting for us. 

School's finally over and I walk towards the bike shed. A few places further I see Oliver standing by his bike. I start smiling.

"Someone's madly in love.", I hear behind me. I turn around to see Michael standing there.

"Oh shut up!", I say and slap him on the arm.

"That hurts.", he says and laughs. "Not my fault.", I say, take my bike and walk towards the gates.

When I'm finally home, I walk to the kitchen and grab the carton of orange juice. I fill a glass and drink it all in one breath. 

I pick up my cat and walk to my room. I put him on my bed and he makes himself comfortable. I garb my homework and start making it. When I'm finally done, I receive a text:

Hi Tessa, I was wondering when we're going to meet for the dance? And good luck with whatever you're doing at the moment. -Kevin 

Really? The dance? We have like one month. The only thing he probably really cares about is the dance at the moment.

Well, we can meet this weekend? You too. -Tessa

Not a minute later later I receive another text: 

Great I'll send you the location. See you tomorrow.

Chapter 14  is finally up! 

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