Chapter 51.

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Jace added Magnus, Alec, Simon, Izzy and Clary to a group chat

Someone's really excited to have Magnus back in New York ♡

[Jace] Someone's really excited to have Magnus back in New York ♡

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Honestly? I think we all have missed Magnus, a lot. Things aren't the same without the High Warlock of Brooklyn

Simon ♡

Magnus, I'm so happy that you are back in New York. Alec has been the worst while you've been gone. Seriously, I thought he couldn't get more bitchy and the worst part is that he didn't shower for the whole time

First of all, I'M NOT BITCHY

Actually yes, you can be the worst sometimes. Especially when you don't get what you want

Like that time you wanted to slay a demon but I killed it instead. Oh my god, I thought you were going to hate me for the rest of our lives


Don't be grumpy, Alexander. See things positive instead. No Shadowhunter can slay demons like you

Thank you, Magnus. I've missed you ♡

I've missed you too, my love



So what are you guys going to do now that you're back together? *wink* *wink*

In the name of the angels, why the hell would you ask that, Clary?

I don't think you can use the word "angels" and "hell" in the same sentence

Simon has been removed from the group chat by Jace

Clary, ask that kind of question one more time and see what happens


Clary left the group chat

Alexander, don't be rude

She saw in coming, don't worry

Men, so damn immature

Yeah? Like you're any better

In fact, I actually am

Of course you are, Isabelle ♡

Anyways, I'm glad that everything is back to normal. It's nice to see Alec leaving the bed again


My poor little Alexander. I didn't know that you were that miserable without me

This is so humiliating

I thought you were used to feeling humiliated by now?

I'm actually dying of laughter

I'm going to pretend like these last 5 minutes didn't happen

You're adorable, Alexander ♡

Hey guys😻 How are you all? This sucks I know but I'm exhausted + I have a bad neck which makes everything even worse

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