The Fallen Realm

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Rules keep us safe because of the people who follow them.

Blaze -

Realms are what kept the world sane. We were divided, not once we spoke to another. It was disturbing, other people, still the same, locked away like animals in a cage. Madness overtook the minds of others as they, watched, friends being thrown into caravans, slaves, to the government.

People’s hearts torn like threads, the droplets of blood staining the canvas of eternity. The cries of agony left neglected by the leaders of this so called “Sacred Land”. We were tossed aside, food became a prize you must win by blood. Blood became money, something you could gamble, but, whomever gambled, lost everything.

This was before The Fall. People expired, disease rampaged, and tyranny routine. The rivers boiled and streets crumbled. The city a ruin, a barren oblivion.


My brother was taken before the fall. He had been gone for 10 years, losing him when I was just eight ripped my heart to shreds. I lost him on my birthday and stopped celebrating it.

It was hard, my only sibling ripped away when I was but a child. My parents did their best to not seem depressed that he had been taken, but it wasn't hard to figure out.

I was never told why my brother was taken away, I didn't find it important enough to ask. If my parents hadn't told me in the decade he had been gone, what importance would it have now?

After the incident I was stripped away from society and was homeschooled. Every day tended to our farm and helped mother prepare the meals for the day.

She never told me why I was taken away from public school. I started to become more curious as the dictator of the fire realm started to change personalities over night. It was like someone had flipped a switch, and it scared the shit out of me

The news was on the TV as we sat on our couch. My dog, Haris, was plopped down on my feet. I was oblivious to the television until a tug on my shirt sleeve pulled me back to reality.

A boy, maybe in his early twenties, was on the television screen. His light brown hair was tousled, his bright blue eyes piercing the soul, and he wore a white and blue striped shirt.

Louie, a friend from grade school. My mother and I locked eyes as we communicated silently. I sighed softly as I clasped my hands together.

“There’s someone trying to take over the fire realm! Help us please!” The screen began to crackle before it went black. We were silent, unsure of how to respond to that.

We lived in the earth realm, and we tried to remain neutral to the best of our abilities. I shivered at the thought of the fire realm falling, again.

I stood up, Haris stood by my side. Mother’s eyes watered as she already knew I had made a decision.

“Honey-I know what you’re going to do. Please think about this.” Mother laid her hand on my shoulder. I sighed and held her close to my chest before I changed my shirt into a long black sweatshirt.

“I love you,” she kissed my cheek and I held my parents close. I opened the front door and climbed up our ladder to the surface. My heart pounded in my chest, butterflies fluttered in my stomach, and my ears rung.

The sun’s rays blinded me. The cars shrills made me cringe. Pedestrians walked along the streets, as did I. Blending in wasn’t hard, but it was when you had a boy following right behind you.

The gas station was to my right and I disappeared into the shade. The boy was already there. He looked right through me, making me shiver.

His dark green eyes looked right through me and his curly mop of brown hair sat on top of his head. He looked away and let out a breath.

“You haven’t been up to the surface in a long time, have you?” I looked over at him. His eyes glanced over to the right and I followed his gaze.

Someone was standing in the distance, sunglasses shielding their eyes. Their gaze was on us and the boy looked at me again.

“Well, I'll take that as a no. What are you waiting for? Let's get away from that man.” He smiled, extending a hand towards me. I looked at him, then back at the man. The man had moved closer in the few seconds I looked away. My heart thumped in my chest as I looked back at the boy.

“Why should I trust you?” My voice quivered as I noticed the man had crept closer once again.

“Seems like you don't know anything at all about the surface or about your abilities Blaze, I'm here to help you.” He trailed off and looked at the man. “Also to get you away from him,” he made a point. The man could run and catch us at any moment.

He was right, I don't know much about the surface world. The man was only a few feet from us before I felt a warm hand take mine.

Then we were gone. I couldn't see anything or anyone. My arms were numb as I floated.

Until I crashed onto the boy after we appeared in an apartment. He let out a groan before rolling out from under me.

“Alright, where did you take me-” I didn't know his name. My eyes scanned my surroundings, a barren apartment.

“Hunter, the name's hunter. You were taken too long. That man worked for MARS and he wanted to capture us.”

I looked up at him, oblivious to what MARS is. Hunter got my hint and let out a sigh.

“Mortals Against Rogue Sorcerers. There are humans and people with powers like you and I.” Hunter grabbed a glass of water and placed it in front of me.

I looked at the glass of water before taking a sip of it. Hunter glared at me before I set it back down.

“Think about your memories of water, and try to move it.” He murmured while sitting in front of me.

I did as he told me to, and nothing happened. Hunter sighed and stood up. His footsteps echoed in the silent room.

I moved to the floor and leaned against the couch, pulling my jacket around my. My eyes closed and I felt Hunter sit next to me.

“Alright, you have to trust me on this.” A dead plant was set next to me and I looked up at Hunter, confused.

I felt his lips press against mine,

before I felt my hair catch on fire.

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