Chapter three

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My own little version of heaven, alone in my room.

I love the lullaby my sister sings to me every night! I have nearly memorized the whole song. I can't get it out of my head.

I found myself singing what I remembered of it. I had a big smile on my face, I hadn't been this happy since Father pulled me from school six months ago. He said he had some big project he wanted my help with.

Little did I know it would change my life for the worse. I danced around my room happily.

Suddenly the door opened, I immediately stopped and coward back my Father had a dangerous look in his eyes.

I gulped, what had I done to cause this reaction from him?

"Your mother sung that song, you have no right to sing that after what you did to her!" He shouted. He kicked me in the ribs harshly.

Had he not upgraded me I would have been passed out or worse.

"Your a murderer, you shouldn't even be allowed to live!" He said the look in his eyes grew darker. "Daddy, please you'll kill me" I squeaked.

He threw me against the wall, "don't talk bitch, you don't deserve that right" he said lowly.

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