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18 years later

"Oh come on Lana you can't sit around forever!"

"Beckett! Leave your sister alone! Lillian help me out here!"

I looked over at Blake and our two teenage kids and turned the page in my book "nah I'm good, this is entertaining" I gave him a smile which he returned with a frustrated frown.

"You never do anything anymore Lana!"

I shared a knowing look with my daughter and rolled my eyes. "Lana, come over here" I looked over at Blake "leave, both of you" once the boys left I turned to Lana. "How's it going?"

Lana looked at me like I was crazy "are you serious right now? Do know how hard of is to keep this away from him? He is like a freaking leech!" She threw her arms in the air.

"And don't forget, you will eventually find your mate, as much as your dad doesn't like it, it will happen"

She looked at me in horror "I completely forgot about that! What am I supposed to do?! I can't have a mate yet!" She was freaking out now, there was no end to the madness.

Beckett came running in with a huge smile on his face "Mom, Lana! You won't guess who I just met!"

"Your mate" Lana said in a 'duh' tone. Beckett looked at her "well you just take the fun out of everything don't ya?" I rolled my eyes, they never stop bickering and I thought Jes and I were bad.

"Are we going g to meet her?" I asked hopefully. He bit his lip and shifted from foot to foot uncomfortably. "Uh yeah, you can meet him" I looked at him like he just grew a third head, since when is he gay? "Then let's go I for one want to meet him"

He smiled and bounced up and down like a toddler would on Christmas day. I grabbed Lana's hand and followed Beckett outside to his mate.

Beckett grabbed a man's hand and gently pulled him towards us. Lana held up her hand "hold up, since when are you gay? Not that I'm against it or anything, I'm just confused." Beckett blushed "well, I didn't actually realize it myself until I met him"

Rolling my eyes I chuckled "I thought I'd die before I ever saw Beckett blush." Beckett only blushed harder making his mate and everyone paying attention laugh.

Everything is going to be fine.

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