Chapter four

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I lay on the cold metal table blood dripping from my left wrist. The pain of the newest upgrade threatened to cause tears to spill.

He slit my wrist and dug down my arm then he left to get something, I'm assuming to get the thing he's sticking in there.

I'm sure my eyes are glowing red by now, I was pissed he did this to me even more so with the thought if Jessica having to go through this.

The door opened and Father came in "now now, calm down your red, you can't go out like that" I figured.

Instead of calming down and my eyes returning to normal my eyes burned a darker red as he shoved something into my arm I could feel it separating more of my skin from the muscle.

I gritted my teeth together not making any sound of pain. I refuse to give him that pleasure.

Once the thing stopped moving and was situated in my forearm, I relaxed a little. He move over to my right arm he repeated the process from the beginning.

I looked at him in surprise "well did you really think I'd let you only have one blade?" He asked.

At least I know what he stuck in my arms

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