chapter thirteen

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I snarled at my so-called father "you will not touch her! Not now not ever!" He chuckled lightly as if I hadn't just yelled at him about not touching his daughter.

"I figured you would do this" his expression suddenly got serious, "every time you refuse to cooperate with your upgrades Jessica will take a beating and possibly worse."

My eyes widened in fear, I gulped and nodded, reluctantly getting on the table. "Good girl," he said with a small smirk and quickly hot to work on my left shoulder.

I bit my lip and took the pain in silence he didn't deserve to see how much it hurt. He had done the other shoulder years ago. He paused and studied my face with......sympathy?

That can't be right, he's the heartless bastard that tortured me and upgraded me with his sick devices. Trained me to kill with the upgrades. He made me just as heartless and cruel as him.

I shot him a glare so that he would leave me alone and just finish with his upgrade so I can finally be at peace. He was less gentle now and it felt like he was ripping the flesh right off the bone  I closed my eyes and relaxed as much as I can to try and keep the pain to a minimum.        __________

"Blake? What are you doing?" I held my ground. I didn't care if he was my mat or not, he looked ready to kill. He growled at me, slowly advancing. I looked down and my eyes widened "Blake?" the fear was beginning to seep into my voice. 

He had his blade out and pointed towards me. He swung widely and I easily dodged it. I didn't want to use my blades on him but it was beginning to look like I had to. 

"Blake, please," he had me pinned against the wall. Slowly pressing the blade into my skin, he sliced through. It was as if he wanted me to suffer before I died. 

He stabbed through the flesh right below my collarbone on the left side. He tried slicing at me but I grabbed his wrist and pushed it away. I growled in warning to keep him away from me, I could feel my eyes trying to turn red at him. 

Blake stumbled back and blinked repeatedly seeming to have snapped out of it. I heard a groan as I leaned against the wall trying to stay conscious. "Lillian? What ha-" he seemed to notice the blood running my arm and chest. I could see Blake's blade still out "Did I do this? Lillian?!" he walked closer to me, unconsciously I flinched back. 

I could practically see his eyes widen in recognition. "no no no no. This can't be happening"

He growled as he pieced together what happened. He swung his arm up and I flinched back thinking that it was about to hit me.

When his arm came back down his blade was back in his wrist. I held onto the wall to steady myself. I was still struggling to keep my consciousness. Blake held me against him as though my life depended on it.

I felt something wet make its way onto my face. I wiped it away thinking it was blood. I looked at my finger in surprise and looked at Blake. I reach up despite the pain and wiped away his tears as I lost the fight.
Blake's POV

"You know, I could just as easily do this to Lillian right?" I glared at him knowing he was speaking the truth. "Now stop fighting me" How has Lillian and Jessica lived with this monster for so long? I doubt they knew the truth about him.

"Such a defenseless little girl" he sneered "I knew you wouldn't want her to get hurt" I felt something burning against my arm. 

"Sleep, it'll make it easier"                                                                                        __________________________

As I held my beautiful mate in my arms I felt ashamed. It didn't matter to me If I was in control or not, I hurt her. I had made her bleed. There is no excuse for what I did.

I slowly stood carefully as to not to hurt her more. I noticed that her eyes had shut and her breathing had calmed down. Her face was wet with tears, my tears. She looked relaxed as if she couldn't feel any of the pain I had inflicted on her anymore. 

I brought her to my room as she still didn't have one of her own. I inspected her wounds, they were already healing. How is that even possible my blade it silver. 

I looked at her, I will make it up to her if it's the last thing I do. 

I stood up and left the room. Something told me that she wouldn't want to see me when she woke up. I wandered the dark halls, it's late in the evening. The halls were empty and silent.

The only noises were my heavy footfalls and unsteady breathing, I had a lot on my mind. Why would he choose me to do this to instead of literally anyone in his pack.

I stopped at my office door, might as well try and get caught up on the pack work I'm behind on.

When I opened the door I was surprised to find my Beta sitting in my chair.

Sorry this is so short I'm feeling lazy and I just really couldn't think up everything I wanted to get done.

So I need an opinion

What would you do if this happened to you?


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