Chapter seven

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I awoke in a new room, this one was warmer then the room I was in before. I opened my eyes surprised that I saw everything so much clearer than ever before. I tried to get up but the pain in my head kept me pinned to the soft bed, wait bed?

Where am I? 

I heard a door handle jiggle and I squeezed my eyes shut and lay back into the bed. The door opened "Well looks like she's still out. my dear her father really did do a lot of damage this time." A voice said, the same one that had found me in the upgrade room. 

I moved my back carefully hoping it seemed like I was regaining consciousness only just then. There was a wet piece of cloth that was pressed against my forehead. The sensation startled me and I shivered under it's cold touch. 

I opened my eyes again to meet two kind, gray ones. As I studied the woman's face I saw a single gray hair that seemed out of place among her head of dark brown locks. She placed a hand on my cheek and rubbed her thumb along my soft skin. 

I looked around the room which was a light blue color, the white curtains were closed only allowing a little bit of light in. I saw her kind smile in full detail, much better than before. What is happening to me?


 Blake's POV

I walked into the room following what little trail I could find of my mate's scent. She was devious, I could already tell that much. I was surprised at how she had found my room as how little I was even in there but she somehow managed to.

I looked around to see if there was any hint of where she had gone. I searched frantically I didn't even realize she had left and neither did anyone else, it was almost like she was never even there. I sat on my bed and ran a hand through my hair, why did I ever let her out of my sight?

I guess I my have been thinking too much about some pack matters to notice but hey I am the Alpha, that kind of status doesn't come free.

I lay back onto my bed and closed my eyes. Stretching my arm out I heard the small rustle of paper on my pillow. I opened an eye and saw a note.

Thinking it was from Lillian I shot up and snatched it from my pillow and read it.

   Go to slep it is good for you. i do not want to see you slepy  in morning.

It looks like a first grader wrote it. The hand writing was horrible and there were a lot of eraser marks where she knew she had made a mistake.

I shook my head and smelt it to make sure, yep it was definitely Lillian.  I scratched my head and checked the time. 10:30. I lay back on the bed and closed my eyes waiting for sleep to come. 


I squeezed my eyes shut not wanting to wake up,  why didn't I close the curtain before I went to bed? Right, it's been a while since I slept an entire night.

To be honest, I've kind of missed it.

Now to the pressing matter, where has my mate gone? I quickly changed my clothes and went out of my room down to the living room, knowing that she'll have to come eventually.

I sat on the couch and messed on my phone until I heard someone come in. I quickly looked over my shoulder to try and see who it was, silently screaming my head off for my mate.

Who I saw was a complete surprise to me. The unmistakable gray eyes, silver hair that used to be a beautiful dark brown, kind eyes that had seen so much in their time, "Mom?" I asked getting up, thinking my mind was simply playing tricks on me.

"Hey Blake" She said in a light inviting voice, it was obvious that she was a Luna everything about her screamed it. "Does dad know you're here?" I asked unable to keep the smile from my face.

She nodded and gave me a huge hug placing a soft kiss on my cheek. I wrapped my arms around her in a tight embrace. I wasn't expecting her here for another two weeks.

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