Chapter six

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My tears stained my cheeks, I couldn't see anything Father decided he wanted my eyes to change color when I was mad he didn't even let me choose what color, he wanted maroon red that got lighter or darker depending on how mad I was. 

It seemed like days when in reality it was only a few hours, and I still couldn't see anything. I heard the lights turn on and footsteps coming towards me, they were so light and quiet that I thought that it was Jes. 

I felt scared of the possibility that it was Jes, she would know what i had been doing this whole time with Father. "My dear lord did that monster do this to you?" I heard an unfamiliar voice say, it was female that much was certain. She sounded like she had seen the aftermath of my Father's wrath. 

"Who are you?" I asked my voice was laced in pain that I couldn't even be bothered to try and hide. I  felt a hand touch my face near my open eyes and I heard a gasp. I heard two clicks and my arms were freed.

My body was lifted into a pair of arms and I was carried into a room.


I looked at Jes, I was glad that it wasn't her that found me that day.

I sighed and turned my attention to the movie that had been put on, I can't even remember what was going on, I just know something had triggered that memory, I hated remembering everything that monster did to me.

Jes gasped when the bad guy took off one of the main characters sun glasses. I stared blankly at the screen trying to figure out what the significance of that was. Then his eyes started to glow red, right that guy has laser vision Scott I think his name was.

I rolled my eyes and watched as he struggled to control his power. Mutants I swear  it, at least Alex managed to convince her against Twilight  I don't get why she likes it so much, they don't even represent werewolves very well.

Jes was sucked into the movie nothing could have gotten her out until the movie ended or was stopped.  I stood up and went over to where Blake was sitting, he looked deep in thought. i waved a hand in front of his face to try and pull him back into reality. He blinked but didn't show any other sign of noticing my presence.

I shook my head and went up the stairs. I wandered around the pack house for a while before smelling Blake's scent pretty strongly. I followed it to a door and opened it slightly. 

The room looked as though it didn't belong to anyone. If Blake's scent wasn't everywhere in there I would have thought no one had ever been in there. I pushed the door open some more. The bed seemed like it hadn't been used in a while. The closet was open and had some clothes on the floor. 

I took a piece of paper and a pencil, I wrote a note and put it on his pillow telling him to sleep. 

I quickly and quietly left the room and closed the door and continued my little adventure. 


I sat down on one of the couches near me, I had no idea what floor I was even on. I had wondered around for what seemed like hours. 

The sky outside was dark, hardly a single star in the sky. The moon was a small sliver in the sky, giving off a faint light. 

As my eyes closed I heard footsteps on the floor beneath me. I suddenly stood up and silently ran to the stair well. I went down and waited, the foot steps were coming from my left. I waited for the footsteps.

Once he passed, I silently crept out of my hiding place and followed the raging man. 

I sniffed the air, there was the slight scent of rouge I couldn't smell anything else so I lept. I couldn't smell much at all, he was masking his scent I realized. 

I wrapped my arms around his neck and slowly tightened my grip until i got him on his knee. I flipped him on his back and I saw red. 

Maroon red.

The color was so dark that anyone else would have mistaken it for black. I was way too familiar with the color to have mistaken it. 

His eyes were glowing. 

That was obvious. He tried fighting back against my hold. He kept sniffing the air, searching for something.

I made my eyes glow, subtle enough for any one who walked in not to have noticed, but enough that he could see. 

The surprise was evident on his face. He started to calm down a little, his eyes glowing a lighter shade of maroon. 

He took a deep breath and spoke softly, "I thought I was the only one." 

"well that makes that two of us bud" I said adjusting the my placement, not letting him get up. "what are you doing here?"

"I smelt my mate" He said simply. 

I chuckled "What happened? You looked as though you were about to kill everyone here."

"She's with someone, a male,  and besides who would want a rouge?" He said sadly.

"The Alpha here" I said as I got of of him, I could tell that he wasn't lying so there was no need to keep him pinned.

He gave me a look of confusion as he got up off the floor. "I was, technically still am, a rouge" I clarified for the poor guy "And I am the Alpha's mate."

"Your not marked and you don't exactly have a scent though" he said getting more confused.

I checked the time, 12:30, how long was I wondering around?

"Follow me, I'll show you to the room that you will be staying in tonight, this morning really, we will discuss this later."

I said with finality as I led the way down to a hall that does not have any people in any of the rooms. The walk was in a comfortable silence, we both had our own things to think about.

I turned the corner and walked a little more. I pointed to a door that was the farthest from us "There, it may not be the best but it is better than the cold floor of a cell" I said.

I turned to leave "wait, thank you." He said as I left to go back to the floor above where I had been before.

Blake is going to kill me. Especially after he finds out about what the rouge could possibly be able to do.

I sat on the couch once again and thought of all the stuff that I was going to have to explain and do. At least there isn't any school tomorrow.

I lay back on the couch and close my eyes.

I'm going to have a long day tomorrow.

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