Chapter 1

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-Chapter 1-

I walked in the school smiling to myself as Chadence was going on a one day camp to tree tops with the school.

I chose not to go since I found our that Chadence was going.

I tied back my long curly brown hair and continued walking and met up with my three best friends, Karla Hut, Marie Della and Rosie Wake."Wow girl your all smiles today thought you would be sad your not going with your ever so cute boyfriend Chadence", Marie said kind of sarcastically.

"Actually I kind of forgot he was going today thought it was tomorrow", I said to them, lying.

"You silly little girl Halley", Rosie said parting my head.

What can I say these girls are really weird but none the less they were still awesome and my best friends.

We walked in a line over to first period which was in block two.

The classrooms were all around mid size and most were just ones you could build and take apart.

They were mainly blue and white but some were pink, purple or red.

It usually depends on the teacher because some teachers paint the classroom.

"Dinnggg", I heard the sound indicating I had a message to off.

I checked my phone which just happened to be an IPhone 4th Generation.

It was a text from Chadence.

~Hey Princess you gonna miss meh today. Guess what great news got you a gig at Nandos. Meet meh there After school. Love Chadence your forever wonderful boyfriend.~

I text back quickly getting a bit annoyed how dare he try and control my life and ten act all stuck up.

~Hey Babe. Miss U. What! That's greats. Thank U soo much babe. Love you. Your forever loving girlfriend Halley~

Geez like any of that was true but I had to stay in act or, or he may do something to me if he finds out I don't love him.

I know he really does love me but I think he's scared of loosing me so he makes himself or scary and stuff by doing things he shouldn't to try and keep me in the realationship.

I sighed.

I don't know that might not be the reason at all but I'm gathering it is and that's basically one of the only reasons I'm still with him after two years of going out.

Well there are actually other reasons but you know I dont really think I'm ready to express them just in case someone finds out and tells Chadence and then they think I'm making up all this stuff about him.

What am I saying these are my thoughts or whatever you want to call it and nobody is going to find out but still I just don't feel I'm ready to express them alright.

"Helloooooooooooooooooooooo you in there Halley because your face went all blank for a few minutes there", Karla said her facial expression turning from happy to one I have no idea what it was.

"Oh yeah sorry Karla I was texting Chadence".

"Wow no need to take it to heart there".

I laughed at her.

Karla was the weirdest of my friends and you just never new what was running through her head and as for Marie and Rosie well they were both nearly as bad just the fact that Marie is kind of shy and Rosie well she is the most normal out of her, Karla and Marie while I Halley was the most normal or well I wouldn't really call having Chadence as a boyfriend normal but whatever.


There goes my phone again.

I looked at it and as I suspected it was from Chadence.

~Aww Halley you are to cute. Meet you outside of Nandos. Alright gotta go princess. Talk to this arvo~

I typed back.

~Alright see ya there~

As soon as I out my phone away our music teacher, Miss Clarence walked over to us and let us all in the classroom.

Inside it was nice and cool a getaway from the boiling hot sun.

The walls were the same blue as some of the classroom was on the outside and there were four lines of four tables each separated by a centimeter.

There was many posters about all these famous musicians and singers and band.

One of those being One Direction my all time FAVOURITE boy band.

The floor had this rough ,blue and green carpet.

Up the back there was a book case that contained all lyrics and music books.

Music was one of my electives that I chose this inside being in year Ten meant we get to choose most of our subjects.

Memories, Karla, Rosie and I all chose music because we all love to sing and that's actually how we met.

It was when we were in year four and I was in music lessons with them.

We then figured out we all went to the same school and yeah ever since then we had been best friends.

"Altight class today we are going to be writing some of our own songs and it can be about absolutely anything you want just don't put any inappropriate things in there or swear words".

Wow this lesson was going to be awesome.

Actually to be honest this would be the best day of my life since I met Chadence.

What I didn't know was that things would get worse but then could I have a chance at getting them better again.

That I don't know myself but what I do know is that this journey isn't going to be easy.

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