Chapter 8

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-Chapter 8-

""Oh I managed to catch a glimpse alright".

"Really cool".


I heard a knock at the door.

Ahh must be Chadence again.

He really couldn't leave me for what an hour.

I sighed heavily.

June went to go open the door but I stopped her since I new Chadence would just let himself in as per usual.

He was used to it by now.

"June don't worry about it he'll let himself in".

"Who's the him?"

"My boyfriend".

"Oh I see".

Yep I was right he opened the door and let himself in and looked curiously at June.

"Chadence this is June my new room buddy and June this is my boyfriend Chadence".

"Hello there June".

"Oh by the way that does mean you can't have any more outings in the middle of the night".

"Aww but why?"

"I think your question has already been answered", I grumbled.

He was such a new stance and right now he was getting on my nerves more that ever.

I then noticed the door creaking open again.

This time it was a much more liked person or should I say people.

It was Karla, Marie and and Rosie my three FAVOURITE girls but I reckon June could be one of those too.


"Karla, Marie and Rosie!".

We laughed but me not as hard.

"Girlies meet June, June meet my best friends Karla, Marie and Rosie".

"Hello", they shouted.

"Really really at least be a bit quieter".

"Aw man what a party pooper Halley", Karla groaned.

"Hey this is a hospital".

They sighed and laughed at me.

"Anyway nice to meet you June and a little warning we are nuts".

June smiled.

"Well nice to meet you girls too and I don't mind at all my friends are nuts too".

"Wow awesome we all have to hang one time", Marie said smiling widely.

"Oh by the way here's your music homework", Rosie said handing it to me.

It was an assignment thing.

We had to make a song or choose a song and work as a group to form kind of a band or something.

"Thus is gonna be fun to do when I can actually leave this place of green".

They laughed at me.

I smiled and looked at the door where I could now see the views of the five boys from one direction.

Save Your Heart Tonight (Zayn Malik Love Story) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now