Chapter 13

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~Chapter 13~

Zayn Malik pov

She's cuddling safely in bed with Chadence.

I couldn't help but feel jealous about that.

How could she feel safe with him.

One minute I'm getting frantic one in the morning calls the next I get a text message saying never better more or less.

I grabbed my phone from the bench which was covered in magazines and things.

I checked to see if I had any new messages.


One was from Louis and the other two were from mum.

I was actually expecting one from Halley.

Maybe she is to busy with Chadence.

I sighed.

Chadence didn't deserve such a wonderful, amazing and beautiful girl when all he is is a careless and heartless person.

Seriously who stoops that low to abuse his girlfriend.

Obviously Chadence.

I checked the message from Louis first.

~You Love her don't you? From Louis the Tommo Tomlinson~

I typed back quickly not expecting to see that text from Louis.

Was it really that clear that I liked Halley in more than a friendly way or is it just the fact that the boys know me so well.

~Yeah I do love her but she's with Chadence and nothing I can do is going to change what she feels about him. From Bradford bad boy Zayn~

I exited out and checked on the two messages from mum next to make sure they weren't important.

They read;

~Hey! Just checking up on you to make sure your alright. Love from your mum~

The next one was;

~Ohh and I miss you Zayn. Love from your mum~

I smiled and typed back.

~Hey mum I'm fine just a bit of lady trouble is all and I miss you too. Promise ill come visit as soon as possible. Love from Zayn~

After typing the message and sending it I checked back in on my conversation with Halley and quickly begun feeling guilty because the only reason she didn't reply was because I forgot to send her a message back.

I looked over her last message before typing my reply.

~I'm fine Zayn. Sorry I worried you so much I was just crying. Crying over everything but I'm good now. Chadence is holding me in my arms and for once I truly feel safe and happy in those arms. For now I'm happier than ever. Thank you for being there my Bradford bad boy buddi. Love your friend Halley~

~Alright Hall. Just let me know if you need anything else. Ill be here. Always. Coming to visit you at the hospital now. From Zayn Malik your Bradford bad boy buddi~

I typed back sending it quickly and then put my phone in my jeans pocket and grabbed my stuff and went out the door but before I did I wrote a message to the boys who I gathered were either asleep or eating food since it was our day off today.

~Just going to the hospital. Don't worry about me. Seeing Halley. Ill be back soon. from Zayn~

I heard a ding come from my phone and looked at my new message from Halley.

~Alright awesome. We can hang after you get hear. I'm allowed out. Me, Chadence were going to go shopping. You can come if you want but warning June is a little angry at me because she knows something's up with Chadence and that I lied yesterday. She thinks I should tell everyone. Ill go into more detail when your here :) see you soon Zayn. Love your friend Halley~

I read over it twice and smiled.

Touched she wanted to invite me shopping with her and Chadence even though I'm sure he didn't want to be in the same room as me and June for that manner.

~Sure! Why not sounds like fun and alright I think I'm in need of a big explanation from you about June and Chadence. Sudden mood change. I'm just about to leave now just typing this then coming :) From Zayn your Bradford bad boy buddi~

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