20. Mask of Many Faces

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Deva stared down the beautifully elegant detailed purple gown hanging in her closet. The Masquerade was starting any minute and she was still finding it hard to put the dress on.

All the girls were wearing the same old vintage 18th century ball gowns but in different colors. Deva's dress was a nice imperial purple color that had a hit of pink mixed in with it. It came full with a bodice and huge flared skirts. She didn't know where to begin putting it on. Amy was supposed to help her get in it, but was called away for an emergency down in the ballroom.

Deva began pulling the corset over her body and felt it snuggle every one of her curves. There was no way she was reaching the back on her own.

"Need some help," Marcus' low velvet voice said from the door.

Deva jumped. "Does anyone here know how to knock? Jeez."

"Sorry love. Didn't mean to scare you."

"Of course not. You came to see me getting dressed." She placed her hands over her hips while trying to hold the corset in place.

"You know me too well." His bright blue eyes scanned her body with admiration. "Might I suggest you go to the ball like that because you would certainly cause a commotion?" He smirked.

"I don't think so. I caused plenty commotion at the last party."

"You're quite right love." He went up behind her placing his hands on her hips to face her forward. "Now be still."

He began to lace up the corset very quickly and with swift ease.

"I'm guessing you've had your fair share in undoing corsets in the past."

"A few, yes. The undoing is easy. It's the tying up that can be a pain, but I've had a lot of practice." He said with a devious smirk.

"You must be Casanova himself." She shook her head laughing.

He finished, and she could hardly breathe. "How did the women back then do this?"

"Beats me." He went for the hoop skirt and bent down for her to walk in. She did so and he pulled it up to fasten it around her waist.

"I'm going to look like a balloon."

"Yes but a very pretty balloon." She rolled her eyes at his remark. There was no way she was going to last all night. She was betting she was going to come up with an excuse and leave early.

"All done." He tapped her hips and led her to the mirror.

The embroider sleeves and bodice were divine and really embodied the elegance of royalty. She couldn't believe what different clothes could do to her appearance. She looked like she walked right out of a scene from Marie Antoinette. Her makeup was light, but accentuated her best features especially her brown eyes. Her hair was curled, and half was pulled up while the other bottom half hung down loose to her lower back.

"You look stunning. The 18th century would have suited you well my love."

"Thanks, but I doubt that the 18th century would have been able to handle someone like me."

"You're right. A spitfire like you would have eaten it up and chewed it back out."

She nudged him in the shoulder. "Probably." She went to put her shoes on and found it difficult to do so. She couldn't bend or do much while in the dress. "If I faint tonight it's all do to the death trap surrounding my waist."

"The night will be over before you know it."

She sighed with deep discomfort. "I hope so, and if not, I'm retiring early."

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