Friend's love

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I started a chat group called: Me and my girl friends.I think it's quite normal for girls to have a group of girls around them.

Me and my girl friends (online):


Katherine: Yay! finally a girl's chatt!!

Pretty princess Xena: Girls rock!!

Cerisa:Haha! Anyone interested for shopping?

Katherine; I'm in!

Pretty princess Xena: Im in too!

Cerisa: Haha.Okay we'll meet at the train station @3.10pm near my house

Katherine : Can wait for me and go together?

Cerisa: okay,sure!

Pretty princess Xena:Okay we'll meet there! See Ya!

Me and my girl friends(offline):

i Went to my wardrobe and take out many shirts and dresses.I took out this red dress and took a leather jacket with a matching brown ankle boots.

i took a bath and and wore the clothes i've choosen.I let down my wavy brown hair and applied some make up. I took some money,my phone andput it in a brown leather sling bag. I wear the brown ankle boots that i bought it from John Little. I wear a watch that i bought from CityChain,a brown leather watch.I took the elevator and press one. I walked to Katherine's block.

I texted her to see whether she's ready, she actually took ages to get ready but nevermind,caue that's what best friends are for. It seems like it's going to take ages for her to get ready,so i look whether somethings is up on my social media. "Ding" i looked up Ëxcuse me,madam can we go now?"i said it in a servernt accent. We laughed and i said "lets go!" She wear a sleeveless shirt which printed with 'stay cool' with colourful leggings and a pair of open-head boots(A/N: i'm not sure what's that's called,sorry) We hooked our hands together and walk to the train station.

We reached the train station and saw Xena waving to us.she wear black sleeveless shirt that would show up her waist. With a maroon leather-like skirt with a pair of black boots.(We LOVED boots, who doesn't ?)

Then we went shopping....

--------------Author's Notes--------------

Hi guys! Sorry that its a boring and short chapter but i promise interesting things will happened soon! So, keep reading! i might not update so recently.i also have another book and some fanfics that are not upload yet.Hope you'll continue to surpport me!

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