Chapter 7:Tears

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I still remembered everything that we once got, i've never forgotten. You thouht i did as you regret of not holding me.Cause he's is the reason for the tears grop on my guitar,the only thing that keeps me wishing on my wishing star

I took out my dairy which was collected with dust,I pat it before I open it.I flipped through the first few pages where I wrote about the day until the page I stopped writing.Now I know that I was here to complete my dairy,I stopped writing dairy after I broke up with Mike.I took a pen and start writing.

Dear dairy,

It has been a long time that I write dairy....I was stupid enough to let the grief affect me.When it all started with......I was dating Mike and I have a great time with him well...he was ready sweet.He was there to cheer me up until one day he started to be very violent.He's always getting into trouble,involved in fights.I just don't understand in one day he can change so much.Then it get to me,he started beating me up,I've even fought with my parents when they ask me why I have bruises around my body.He even flirt and date other girls.I can't take it,my disappointment hits me and tears would always accompany me.I started cutting,I didn't felt the pain as what pain is more painful than being hurt by your love ones...I always cry myself to sleep thinking why does this happened to me...

Then,my bestie found out that i was cutting she asked me why but I kept quiet,thinking that it would help.Then I start crying when she gave me a hug asking me what happened,I told her the truth at last.She told me that I was okay.Then we started shopping,at start I didn't want to,but then I told myself I have to wake up and be a new person.I then broke up with Mike even though I was still hurt but I need to move on.


I close my dairy and grab my phone and went down stairs it was already 7 pm.I went to the kitchen and start cooking dinner

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