Chapter Three

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May could feel Isaac's questioning gaze as she slipped on a pair of gloves, both of them standing in Karl's old office. The old oak desk hadn't changed from when she had last seen it, so she was sure she knew where he kept it and where the keys were hidden. The only things that were different the photo's of Aarav from the age of nine and the added files from Chevell's business.

  It was as she looked at the lamp on Karl's desk that she remembered that most of the families that lived at East end were from old money, she could think of one or two who had earned their wealth within the last three generations.

  "Do you want to talk about it?" Isaac asked putting on his own gloves, looking at the portrait of Faith and Karl on the wall behind Karl's desk, it was new May knew. From the bottom right corner she could see that it was printed in April, four months ago.

  "There isn't anything to talk about," May told him, running her fingers underneath the lamp, looking for the small piece of metal that had been cut out and put back in.

  "Between you and the Tawnya family."

  "Don't we have a crime scene to look at?" May didn't like thinking about her childhood, never staying in one spot until she was six years old, but she knew others would continue bouncing around home to home until they had aged out of the system. Sean had known her from the first day of Perp, while she met Karen in her second year of collage.

  "We both know we're not going to find anything. A maid or butler, whoever they had hired, would have cleaned the room by now," Isaac told her, pointing at the dust-free files and pictures. "There isn't a reason not to get to know each other in the mean time."

  "So why don't you tell me about your divorce." May had almost snapped at him, but she didn't. She wasn't used to people asking her about her past. Karen didn't care one way or another, Chad really only thought of his job and husband. And said husband was in a ME with more then enough worries on his plate.

  "Good spot for a rookie. Your delusional if you think I'm going to allow you to be killed in Vice."

  "Here is is," May said as she pulled a key out of it's hiding spot, she only remembered it, because it was the first secret anyone had entrusted to her. As a seven year child, it had been the best feeling in the world to be trusted with something so important. "We should be able to find the poison, I have a funny feeling it'll be in Karl's special wine."

  "Special wine?"

  "No one touches the wine, and no one washes the glass. It's the only thing in the house that doesn't get touched by the maids."

  "And the key?"

  "Had to keep it hidden from his wife somehow."

  "Who knew about the key?"

  "That's not going to help. He told anyone who wouldn't rat him out to his wife. Faith's a little odd."

  "So his wife was the only one who didn't know about it?"

  "She's the only one I knew about." While May didn't know a lot about Karl and Faith's marriage, she did know what Karl had told her as a teen and the rumours spread around by bored housewives. As such when she overheard Rihanna telling Asmaa about Faith's miscarriages, doubting that she would be able to carry another child full term.

  She might have been eight when Aarav was born, but she could still recall everyone's surprise when Aarav survived past his third month, unlike his sister before him. "But after Faith's last miscarriage, he started drinking. More then he had been."

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