Chapter Seven

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May walked into work slightly tired. She had stayed up until one typing up all her notes, along with the ones that Chad had given her. It had given her time to go through her notes. Noting anything that looked like a pattern.

  There weren't many things that were common between Karl and Hirohi; they worked in the same company and they both drunk wine. If Myles were to believe, they had a child that was abused as a child.

  But Hirohi had been the one who abused Myles when he was younger, while Faith had been the one who controlled Aarav to the point he wouldn't tell her about his other degree.

  Thankfully she had already emailed her notes to herself and to Chad before she left. She had been using the same laptop for the last four years, but everything she owned was stored in a separate USB, hidden among her undergarment draw.

  She had gone in early, barely getting around four hours sleep. Something was bothering her about this entire case, something that rang far to close to her personal life for her comfort.

  "We've got to talk to Captain today," Isaac told her.

  "I see," May told him. Reading the email that Chad had sent her, promising that he'd sent the rest of the case files the moment he finished scanning them. "Chad's going to email his case files. Should be done in the last forty-eight hours."

  "How's that go."

  "Nothing linking Chevell to Novell. Ives on the otherhand, has more then three boxes, going back to the sixties."


  "His daughter, Rihanna, seems to be only one caught up in the same mess. If it's a Mafia hit, then she might be next."

  "I see."

  "It also might be the Iron-born. So Chad said he's hunt down the detective on that case. Email those files as well."

  "It seems our jobs got harder."

  "Well, we know that Rihanna might be the next target."

  "I'll see what I can do about that. We have protection services if she wants them."

  May didn't bother telling him that Rihanna wouldn't want any form of protection. Not without giving away that they know about her less then legal activates.

  "So you should have these files," Isaac continued as she nodded her head. "How long."

  "Less then a week on the Ironborn. Less if one of their key targets has been killed."


  "Chad's a good friend."

  "We have a meeting to get to," Isaac reminded her. Pushing away from his computer, giving her a few minutes to shut down everything she had been looking at. It wouldn't do if anyone could see her case files.

  She could only hope that they had gathered enough information, Karl's and Hirohi's murders had too many loose ends. There were a few people who'd gained if they died, but she didn't know what to think at the moment.

  She just needed to let the evidence talk.


Captain Carter didn't look happy after Isaac had told him what they had found. May knew they hadn't been able to shorten their suspect list, but they knew it wasn't a hit man.

  Or neither Faith nor Aarav had ordered a hit man. She wasn't required to say anything, but she didn't think Captain Carter would let her get away with saying nothing.

  "And you don't know who killed them?" Carter asked staring at her, eyes darkening as May stared back.

  "Not so far. We have suspects, Faith Chevell, Rihanna Dovidas, Adam Novell and the Ironborn Gang," Isaac admitted. May knew the first twety-four hours was important, but Karl had been dead a few days before they found the poison in his blood. Hirohi got tested right away, so his results would be in soon.

  "We also know that it must be someone who knows their schedules, when they would be alone," May told him, looking at Isaac before continuing. Why hadn't she thought about it before? None of the stuff knew about a guest, didn't know who had spoken to the victim before they died. "Someone they trust."

  "It explains why no one knows who last spoke to them," Isaac added, nodding his head as he looked at Carter.

  "How they knew what Karl and Hirohi would drink. Something that they knew they wouldn't have to drink themselves."

  "Poisoned wine?" Carter asked.

  "It's what the report on the bottle we sent to lap," May admitted.

  "Ives is still being tested," Isaac added. "We've sent his bottle of wine to the lap. Crystal thinks the colour is off."

  "They found enough Belladonna in Karl's wine to kill of a army of elephants."

  "Belladonna is legal to own. Most have the plant in their backyard without thinking about the berries."

  "But our killer must be using at least twenty of them to kill of their targets."

  "Meaning?" Carter asked.

  "All of them have been planned to the 'T' and they've left nothing to chance," May told him. "We could have a serial killer or a spree killer, maybe even a pattern killer."

  "More likely the last two," Carter told her.

  "I'll call my team," Isaac told him. The case was getting to big for them to go through everything themselves. "Crystal can review everything she's found so far. And I'll check alibis. Chaya Ives said she was in her office."

  "Two man are dead. Both of them running a successful media company," Carter said, shaking his head. May didn't know if he knew them, but murder never left a pleasant feeling. "Find out what happened. Yoren, call your team and update them tomorrow. Let's hope they don't kill anyone else."

  "Yes, sir," Isaac and May said, nodding as they went back to their desks.

  May quickly turning her computer back on, if she only had to review her notes, then she was going to see if she could catch anything from the recording she from Hirohi and Rihanna's interview.

  "How old was Hirohi," Isaac asked as he looked at the phone in his hand, numbers written down on a piece of paper.

  "He was in his seventies," May told him, putting a headphone into her right year. "He was about four, five years younger then Karl was. Through he married a lot sooner then he did."

  "We'll be going to my team's room. Told them to set aside a computer for you. We'll debrief them tomorrow," he told her, craning his neck and sighed. "Before we leave, we'll need to print and pin information onto the board. So everyone knows what happening, in case they can't make to an meeting."

  "Easily done," May told him. "I'll write down information about the victims. From what I can remember, along with keeping an eye out for Hirohi's reports."

  "You don't have to get them?"

  May smiled, she had a friend in M.E and he was the one who was testing Hirohi's blood. At her request. "I know the M.E doing it. A friend of mine, married to Chad."

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