Chapter Ten

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A loud noise made May jump from her bed, wearing nothing but baggy pants and a sports bra. Looking around; she saw that it wasn't her alarm, wasn't her personal phone, it wasn't her neighbours. Her clock told her it was five in the morning, and she never enjoyed having a heart attack before nine.

  It meant that she only had four hours worth of sleep today, and she didn't want to think about how much sleep she had the rest of the week. It might make her want to punch something.

  Someone had better bring her coffee, tea or a perfectly good reason to call her on her work phone. If they didn't, she was going to have someone's head on her pale blue walls. Mounted and stuffed like a hunter's deer.

  "Hello?" May said as she answered her phone, walking towards her desk.

  "Get your ass outside," Diana growled. "We have orders from Captain Yoren."

  "It's five in the goddamn, fucking morning," she growled, her hand resting on the clothes she had chosen before going to sleep. Neatly folded. Now she was glad she had showered last night, or else she had a feeling she would have sank from the high heaven's. "I need sleep. But you better have coffee."

  "Aren't you just a angel in the morning."

  "Kettle. Pot. Sister. Kettle. Pot."

  "Ellie-Mai Tawnya has been taken into custody," Diana bluntly told her, which woke her faster then a bucket of iced water. Her blood felt like it was about to boil under her skin.

  "Ellie-Mai. As in the person who has three solid alibi's. There's no evidence she was involved, this is against some civil right," she growled, slipping her shirt on while holding her phone between her shoulder and ear. She'd have to take her hairbrush with her. "We'll be likely if the Tawnya family doesn't sue our asses."

  "Idiots May," Diana told her, her voice heavy and May doubted she wanted the woman driving. But orders were orders. "Captains who think they know what they're doing. Now get your skinny ass down right now."

  "Coming, coming."


Interview room's always had a window that only one side could see through. May would have thought with all the crime shows floating around, showing this room that more people would be aware of it's existence. Then again, she guessed that most criminals didn't watch CIA or Castle.

  "Crystal," Isaac said, raising an eyebrow at her appearance. May knew she wasn't as put together as she was on other days, her hair was still down. Along with the fact that the bags under her eyes had bags of their own. "You look like a mess."

  "Five in the morning," she told him, her tone was bitter. "I can make myself pretty when I'm awake."

  "As you say," Issac replied. "She's not talking. Ask her some questions, give me time."

  "Of course," she replied. Walking into the room, while he ducked down the hallway. Sitting down she placed her recorder on the table, sighing as Ellie continued to glare at her own lap. "Hello, Ellie. Can't say this day is going well."

  "May? I didn't do anything wrong," Ellie told her, her hair was a mess and her eyes were rimmed red. "This is why Jamie hates the police. They don't go after people who've b..."

  "Ellie, did something happen?"

  "I don't have to tell anyone."

  "Of course not."

  "Ellie," her lawyer told her, forcing May's to met the women's own dark blue. Ellena Ken, Sean's cousin. She had flirted with May's boyfriend during high school, so she wasn't likely to forget her. "It might be better if you told her. She won't tell anyone."

  "Everything you tell me, will stay between us," May promises, pausing as she placed her hand over her mouth, a small smile hidden behind it before tilting her head to the side. "Unless it involves hurting yourself, others or breaking the law. I'd like to keep my job."

  "You weren't around when it happened. In fact you had warned me against when you were dating my brother," Ellie told her, sighing as she placed her hands on the table. Balling them up as she glared above May's head. "But I married Mikolaj, we were engaged for three years and were married for only one..."

  Hirohi's grandson, May thought to herself, waiting for Ellie to compose herself. At least she could slightly piece together how Ellie was involved, but she still felt like she was missing something.

  "When we were married. He got worse, and he..."

  "Can I?" Ellena asked, when Ellie nodded. She looked May in the eye and her words made May's blood boil. "He abused her. Physically, emotionally, sexually. They're divorced now, only because Myles had noticed what was going on. He hired Jamie to be her bodyguard, scare the little weasel away from her."

  That bastard, had hit Jakob's little sister? May thought to herself. She would have to request that Issac have anyone else talk with the little shit, she didn't think she enough control over her temper to not hit the little shit.

  She had already punched him once, she could and would do it again.

  "He was horrible," Ellie added, a small smile on her face. "But Jamie's been wonderful. Mum only knows Mikolaj and I are divorced, so she gets cross when I don't act civilly around him."

  "And Jamie?" May asked.

  "We're going out. I love him," she confused. "You won't tell Mum or Dad? They might not approve."

  "It's your life," Elena told her.

  "I won't tell. Any of this," May told her. "I promise, but if he hurts you, he'll deeply regret it."

  "Thank you," Ellie told her.

  "We'll look after her," Elena promised.

  "I just need a minute," May told them, when Elena and Ellie nodded, she ducked out of the room. Glad to see that Isaac had returned and was raising an eyebrow.

  "What's wrong?" Issac asked.

  "We need someone making sure Mikolaj and Rihanna don't end up like our last three vics," she told him, she had a bad feeling that she was figuring out the reason they had been killed. But Hirohi threw a spinner into her theory.

  "And why?" he asked

  "They both work for Chevell media. Hirohi has been killed, along with Faith and Karl," she explained. Glad that Ellie couldn't hear a word she was saying. "They might be the sicko's next hit. Both line up with the last three victims. Aarav's not in the state, but he might also be a target."

  "I'll see what I can do," Isaac promised. Opening the door and nodding towards the two. "Ellie, you may go. We've cleared this up with the higher ups."

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