Chapter Five

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In the end Ellie's, Hirohi's and Rihanna's alibi's were proved. They weren't near the Chevell Manor for the time of the death they were given. Not even close, not only that. Isaac had told her that there was nothing funny found in any of their accounts.

  Through she didn't see Hirohi or Rihanna as people who would leave around obvious evidence, if what Alastair Kori's mutters about the family were true. And not the rumblings of a man slowly losing his sanity.

  "I'm going to the crime unit," May said as she picked up her bag, it might as well be her last stop of the day. She really did need to start looking into buying a car, it wasn't like she couldn't afford the payments to own one. It was just she never had the time to pick one.

  "Take the car," Isaac told her., throwing the keys for her to catch. "I'm not going anywhere. Not anytime soon."

  "Of course." May didn't take a step outside the building before spotting a black car parked in the parking zone. The window being pulled down before Myles Ives poked his head out, a large smile growing on his face as he looked at her.

  "Rumaysa Crystal," Myles said as she walked over, putting the keys into her bag. She didn't need to lose them, Isaac would have her head if she did.

  "Myles Ives," she shot back. It was something they did since she was nine, even through he was in his twenties. "To what do I owe this pleasure."

  "You spoke with my dearest sister and father," Myles told her, it looked like Rihanna really was telling people she was back. Great. "Come, I need to talk to you."

  May didn't know if she wanted to, but Myles had never hurt her as a child. She was still in front of her work place, Isaac's number was on speed dial. That and she didn't think Myles could stop a toddles from taking his sweets, let alone stop her from exiting a car.

  "Now, who did my loving family point you to Adam or the Iron born?" Myles asked the moment she was in the car, her recorder being tuned on the moment she sat down.

  "Adam," she told him. This was the first time she had heard of a connection between the Iron born and Hirohi. Or the Iron born and Karl, but it wouldn't do if she told him that. "So you're telling me that they're lying?"

  "With my sister and father? I've given up on trying to figure if they were lying or telling the truth. To others at least," he told her, looking at the road in front of him. "At least, when they try telling me lies I can tell."

  "That doesn't help." May should have known her life would never be that easy, answers didn't rock up on her door. She had to go out and look for them. "Not when I'm trying to find out the truth. Karl Chevell deserves to have justice."

  "No. It doesn't help -"

  "Is there a reason you wish to speak with Isaac."

  "It seems barely anything has changed," Myles told her, poking her nose causing her to go cross-eyed to look at it. "I'm not here to be speak with Issac Yoren, but with you, if my dearest sister didn't tell me you were back. I would have kept this to myself."



  May only narrowed her eyes. Something he wasn't going to tell anyone but her. "And why only me?"

  "I knew your foster brother. Ciaran and I were in the same class."

  "So you're telling me because of my brother?"

  "Now, now, do you want to know?"


  "The Chevell family wasn't as happy as they seemed on the outside, hasn't been for a while," Myles told her.

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