{7} "Any plans today?"

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I should've closed the curtains last night.

In fact, I should have done a lot of things last night that I didn't. For example, I should not have walked out of the apartment right after Meghan had a panic attack and instead stayed to make sure she was actually okay after she ran off into her room. I felt like utter crap the second I stepped foot through the threshold of the apartment but my mind was set on getting the hell out of there. I want to know what happened to her, but she's going to need to want to tell me without me continuously pushing her buttons to do so.

She's going to need to trust you, I thought to myself.

And dammit I should've closed the curtains last night because the sun is shining in my face and no matter how hard I try to go back to sleep, my body just won't accept the darkness from my head being shoved under the pillows.

Suddenly, there's a soft knock on my door. I let out a muffled 'come in' and pull the covers higher up on my body, covering halfway up my back.

"Sebastian?" Her voice came through smooth, almost like silk, cutting through my sleepy state and jolting me awake. Resurfacing from under my pillows, I'm met with hazel eyes and the warmest smile she's ever thrown in my direction.

"Morning, sunshine," I drawl out, giving her a lazy smile as she shifts her weight from one foot to the next. "To what do I owe this pleasure?" She folds her arms across her chest and rolls her eyes before walking further into the room.

"I just wanted to know if I was making breakfast for two?" She cocks her head to the side, waiting for my answer and I give her a nod. She smiles brightly, lighting up the room ten times more than it was already. "Great! Give it about thirty minutes!" And then she saunters out of the room.

I let out a groan as I unwrap myself from the covers and sit up, rubbing my hands down my face in an attempt to wipe away the sleepiness I feel. Grabbing a towel from the closet and some clothes from my bag, I walk out of the room and into the guest bathroom for a shower.

 Grabbing a towel from the closet and some clothes from my bag, I walk out of the room and into the guest bathroom for a shower

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