{12} "Well, hot damn!"

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I turned to look at Sebastian, he was laying on his chest across my bed with his MacBook in front of him. It's been a week since I unloaded all of my ugly baggage on him and he's been nothing short of amazing. He even forced me to reclaim my seat next to him in Sociology, saying that the kid he was sitting next to smelled like goats and that he could only concentrate if he was surrounded by the smell of strawberries, which is what my shampoo smells like. I called him a creep and that only earned me a playful shove and a glare.

"Yeah, what's up?" I answered back, we'd been holed up in my room all day trying to finish up different school assignments but eventually we ended up on YouTube and trying to find the funniest videos we could. He flipped his body so he was laying on his back and his computer was sitting on his stomach, a small 'v' forming between his brows as he concentrated on me.

The urge to smooth it out had my hands twitching.

"How do you feel about parties?" He eyed me skeptically and I swear my entire body lit up. I fucking loved parties, they gave me an excuse to get drunk without sounding pathetic. I gave him a big grin and bounced up and down in place.

"When is it?! I haven't had a good night out in such a long time!" I squealed and jumped off the bed, skipping towards my closet.

"It's tonight actually, a buddy of mine is throwing it," he chuckled and I turned around only to find him propped up on his elbows and watching me. I quickly turned back towards my closet, an unwelcome blush was creeping up my neck and I didn't want him to see.

"So then I'm guessing you'd want to go?" He asks and I nod my head while walking towards my dresser.

"Is it going to snow tonight?" I snuck a peek at him and he averted his gaze the second our eyes locked. He pursed his lips and grabbed his phone from where it sat in front of him.

"Uh... nope, no snow tonight. Why?" He glanced back in my direction and his brows scrunched up together once he noticed the giant smile on my face.

"I know exactly what I'm going to wear."


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