{27} "I had to protect you."

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"Mom?" My voice shook as I stared at the woman in front of me. She looked exactly the same as I remembered, dark hair that I inherited and her chocolate brown eyes that matched my own.

I snuck a glance at Meghan. She had her head down with her hair covering her face but I could see the subtle shaking of her shoulders as she silently cried. My hands itched to comfort her but my mind was like a broken record as I sat there.

"Sebastian," my mother whimpered. I could see the tears that were falling from her dark brown orbs as she gazed at me. My heart constricted in my chest at the sight, and in an instant I was up out of my seat and my arms had wrapped around her frame.

I felt her hands gently grasp onto my shoulders as she cried against me, her signature smell of Chanel no.5 mixed with lavender shampoo immediately engulfing me and bringing me a sense of comfort. A feeling of being at home.

She pulled away from me and grabbed my face between her dainty hands, examining me and flicking her gaze all over. "You look so much like your father," she whispered and I felt my own eyes begin to well up with tears, "I missed you so much, darling."

Almost as if I had felt their gazes, I turned around to find everyone staring at us with shock. I watched Chelsea wipe a few tears from her eyes and then roam her gaze over everyone, "let's go to the pub and give them some privacy."

I gave her a grateful smile and she nodded back with one of her own. I watched as everyone gathered their things and began shuffling out towards the front door while I led my mother towards one of the couches. I saw Meg pick up her bag from one of the tables near the hallway but before she had a chance to walk out of the door I stopped her.

"Are you leaving?" I asked her, hoping that I didn't sound too frantic. She flicked her gaze to the woman sitting in the living room before settling it back on me, her eyes were glassy and her lip quivered the slightest bit but she nodded. "You need to talk to her," was all she said but I shook my head.

"Please stay," I begged. I didn't want to do this alone, I was terrified of what my mother would say and I needed to have her here with me, and I was hoping that she could see the honesty and pleading in my eyes. So when she placed her bag back down and gave my arm a reassuring squeeze, I swear I loved her more than I already did.

"Okay," she whispered.

I led us back towards the couch across from my mother, where she sat fiddling with her hands, and took a seat with Meghan by my side and her hand tightly wound within my own. My mother's eyes flickered toward the gesture and they widened a fraction, before a small smile graced her lips.

"I see," she said as she watched us curiously. I cleared my throat and turned towards Meg, "babe this is my mother-"

"Melissa Carlton," she cut off and extended her hand out to Meghan, "but you can call me Mel." Meg narrowed her eyes at the awaiting hand and I fought the urge to smile as she contemplated whether or not to take it. Reluctantly, she leaned forward and shook it.

"Meghan," she muttered and then let go as quickly as she could and inched closer to me. "Right," Melissa said, "how long have you two been together?" She switched her gaze between the both of us, expecting some sort of answer before she sighed and looked away, pursing her lips.

"I guess we'll get right to it then," she said dejectedly and I watched her warily. It was insane to think that for three years I'd been looking for this woman and couldn't find a single trace of her and now she's just sitting in front of me, as if she just appeared out of thin air.

"I don't even know where to begin," she sighed and slumped down. I felt my anger creep into my heart as I stared at her dumbfounded. She didn't know where to start?

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