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Two Years Later


The streets were buzzing with life all around me. In all the time I've been in New York you'd think that I would get used to the constant nightlife that flowed through the city like water in a stream, but I was still in awe of the lights and sounds.

I dug through my purse in search of my keys, the little gloves shielding my hands from the cold making it difficult to feel for the metal ring it was attached to. I've come to fall in love with Decembers in the city, especially when walking through Central Park or passing the giant Rockefeller Christmas tree. Snow covered the ground, we'd had the first snow fall a couple of weeks ago and I was still amazed with the beauty of everything glistening in white.

I turned the corner and stood aside, needing to actually look inside my bag to find the keys. Once I got a hold of them I began walking again, pulling my coat tighter around my body to shield myself from the cold wind that was blowing. I could see the doorman to the apartment building, Marco was his name, just a few feet ahead rubbing his hands together as he held the door open with his foot for a family who was shuffling into the building.

"Good evening, Miss Greene," he smiled at me as I came into view. I smiled back and asked him about his day. He told me how Mrs. Bernstein from the fifth floor had come barreling down earlier that day to give him a fresh batch of cookies and some hot tea so that he wouldn't be too cold. We laughed, knowing that she had been knocking on my door just a few days before to give me her recipe for said cookies.

"That boy of yours loves them," she'd said to me.

I bid Marco goodbye as I made my way further into the building and towards the elevators. Once inside I pushed the button for the eleventh floor and hummed along to the words of Jingle Bells that was playing on the ride up. As soon as the doors opened I walked out and took my gloves off, stuffing them inside my purse. The hallways were warm and decorated with wreaths and christmas lights, giving the building a wonderful smell of pine.

I walked halfway down and stopped in front of the door, putting the key in and unlocking it. I could faintly hear some soft and slow tune coming from inside but once I opened the door it became loud enough for me to hear. Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas was playing and the air smelled amazing, the pine from the tree that was set up in the middle of the living room was faint, overpowered by the aroma of a home cooked meal.

I kicked the door shut with my foot, leaning down and pulling off my black rain boots and placing them by the door. I hung my coat on the rack beside the door and placed my purse on the table in the foyer before making my way towards the kitchen. The amazing smell of chicken and pasta filled my nose as I reached the archway of the kitchen, leaning against it and taking in the sight before me.

Sebastian was crouched in front of the oven, a rag draped over his left shoulder as he adjusted the dials in front of him. His broad shoulders pulled against the form-fitting fabric of his maroon button down, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows to showcase his tan arms. His dark brown hair sat messily on top of his head, tufts of it sticking up in places where his fingers must have run through. And his black jeans complemented the maroon shirt nicely, accentuating his long legs perfectly.

"Smells amazing in here," I said and he swiveled his head in my direction, a breathtaking smile appearing on his face. I watched as he straightened himself out to his full height, using the rag the sat on his shoulder to wipe his hands on before tossing it on top of the counter.

"I didn't hear you come in," he said as he walked towards me, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me flush against him. Using his free hand, he tucked a stray piece of my hair behind my ear and leaned in for a kiss. It was slow and absolutely wonderful, the kind of kiss that takes your breath away.

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