{29} "You deserved it."

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The entire walk back to the apartment, I was on edge. Skittish. Paranoid. I couldn't stop glancing from side to side, assessing each and every person who walked by me. I kept my arms wrapped around myself, thinking somehow that would protect me some more, even though Mason was walking alongside me.

I could barely concentrate on the work that we were doing at Starbucks, Mason had to keep pulling me back from those dark corners of my mind every ten minutes. It got to the point where he said that we should get together some other time, when I wasn't so distracted, and I agreed.

By then, only two hours had passed and as we went to go our separate ways, I froze. So terrified of walking back home alone even in broad daylight, that I practically begged Mason to walk with me.

"Are you gonna be okay?" He asked, pulling me out of my thoughts yet again. Rubbing my hands up and down my arms, I look up and meet his blue gaze. He seemed genuinely concerned about me, I really must've scared him with my little episode earlier today.

"I'll be good, I think I just need some sleep," I mumble and look up towards the apartment building. I see him nod his head from my peripheral and he sighs. "I'll text you once I type up the outline," he says and I turn to him, "then we'll figure out when to meet next."

"Thanks for walking me back home," I call after him once he starts walking away. He shoots me a grin over his shoulder, "I can be a decent guy sometimes," he calls back and I smile a little. Once I see him turn the corner, I start walking towards the front doors of the complex, the entire time wondering if Sebastian will be waiting for me upstairs.

 Once I see him turn the corner, I start walking towards the front doors of the complex, the entire time wondering if Sebastian will be waiting for me upstairs

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The apartment is dead silent when I walk in, but there's a little sticky note on the countertop from Chelsea.

I'll be at Charlie's tonight, much to tell you tomorrow.
Xoxo, Chels.

I shake my head in amusement. I knew something was going on with those two, I'm happy that I don't have to ask her about it and that she feels ready to tell me. I walk down the hallway and straight into my room, closing the door behind me and locking it.

After a much needed shower and a poorly made sandwich, I wrap myself up in a blanket and throw myself on the bed. The adrenaline rush from earlier had begun to fade, my body getting heavy with exhaustion, and soon I found myself drifting off into a restless sleep.

I wasn't sure how long I'd been asleep for, but as soon as I turned to look out the windows and saw that the sky was pitch black and that most of the apartment buildings around us had their lights off, it was safe to say that it was well past midnight. I sat up in bed and groaned at how dry my throat was. Deciding that I was in need of a glass of water, I stood up and wrapped my blanket around me.

I unlocked my bedroom door and opened it, taking a step out. But I barely made it out into the hallway when the next thing I knew, I was tumbling down and landing in a heap on the floor, "what the fuck?"

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