{18} "Who is this?"

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The sunlight streaming through the large windows in the room is enough to draw me out of my sleep and attempt to crack my eyes open. I feel as though Meghan keeps them open because she knows it bugs the hell out of me when I'm blinded by the sun first thing in the morning.

It's been two weeks since Meg and I decided that we wanted to see where things paned out. They've been the best two weeks of my life, but we've had some dips and bumps in the road already. It all depends on Megs therapy sessions, some days we have really great communication and those are the days where the sessions actually bring her some clarity.

Others, aren't so phenomenal. Sometimes she comes back to the apartment completely shut down. She won't look at me or talk to me. She just locks herself in her bedroom and I won't hear from her for the rest of the day. It worries the hell out of me but I understand that sometimes she has to deal with things on her own.

Yesterday was a good day. Which is why she's currently wrapped around me like a snake, her legs intertwined with mine, her face stuffed into the crook of my neck and my arm lazily draped around her waist.

These are the mornings that are my favorite. God, I sound like an absolute wuss but damn if it's not true. I tighten my grip on her waist, pulling her a little closer to me just to reassure that she's actually here and not just a figment of my imagination.

"Good morning," she drawls out as she snuggles against me. Her brown hair is absolutely everywhere and her cheeks are flushed from how warm we both are but she looks absolutely breathtaking.

"You didn't shut the curtains last night babe," I tell her as I kiss her cheek. She opens up one eye, a sea of hazel looking back at me before she scoffs and smiles.

"You're such a baby, Seb," her voice is muffled against my neck but it only makes goosebumps appear. She glides her lips across my skin, a feather-like touch, placing kisses in their wake. The effect she has on me is like no other. My heartbeat picks up speed, my entire body becomes acutely aware of her every movement, her every breath, her every touch. She's driving me fucking insane and she doesn't even realize it.

I bring her lips up to meet mine, a soft but sensual kiss. It's slow and torturous but damn, I would let this kind of torture go on for a lifetime as long as it was her dishing it out. She pulls away, a dazed look on her face and a lazy smile on her lips.

"You're breathtaking," I whisper and tuck her hair behind her ear. Her already pink cheeks turn red and she hides her head under one of the pillows, making me laugh. "Get some more sleep," I tell her while kissing her head, "I'll go make breakfast."

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