{30} "What do you mean?"

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I wake up with a little body intertwined with my own. I don't even know where the tangle starts or ends. Meg and I are one big pile of arms, legs and bedsheets. Not that I mind really, I love having her wrapped around me like this in the mornings. It makes what we have going on that much more real.

I love the way she always finds a reason to touch me. The lingering looks she gives me when she thinks I'm not paying attention. But I'm always paying attention when it comes to her.

But what I think my favorite thing is, is when she kisses me. Not just any kind of kiss though. My favorite by far is when I can feel her smile against it, it makes my heart fucking soar that such a small action has the power to make her that happy.

I can't believe that I make her that happy.

It's been a long time since I've been able to give someone that kind of feeling and it's indescribable. Even now, when she's doing absolutely nothing except breathing, it makes me smile. The way her lashes are so long that they touch her cheeks, or the way her hair always just angelically splays on the pillows, or how she subconsciously runs her fingers over my chest.

I could lay here for hours just watching her sleep and I'd be content with life. How is it possible to have someone hold that much power? It terrified me at first, that she wielded the tools that could make or break me. But she could destroy me in every way possible and I would still have been grateful to have loved her the way that I do.

"You're thinking too hard," she mumbles against my neck, the warmth of her lips sending shivers up my spine. "What're you thinking about?"

She untangles her legs from mine and lifts her head up, her eyes blinking slowly as they adjust to the brightness of the room. God, my heart explodes every time she looks that adorable.

I run my fingers through her hair, "I'm thinking about how much I love you." And as if on cue, her cheeks turn that beautiful shade of pink and her lips pull up into the kind of smile that would give the sun a run for its money.

"Such a romantic," she says and throws her head back in laughter. I can't help but join her, the sound reverberating off the walls and filling me up with adoration. I don't think I'll ever get used to how beautiful her laugh is. It's light and airy and angelic in all aspects.

Her eyes are shining when she looks back at me, my hand coming to rest on her cheek as she leans against it.

This right here. This is where I want to be for the rest of my life.

"We should get up soon," I tell Meg as she lays next to me, her eyes closed as she tries to slow down her breathing

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"We should get up soon," I tell Meg as she lays next to me, her eyes closed as she tries to slow down her breathing. She laughs and turns her head to look at me, "we should have been up an hour ago but someone couldn't keep it in their pants."

I can't help the smile that forms while I lean in and grab her chin between my fingers, teasingly running my lips over hers, "it's not my fault you feel so good."

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