Chapter 2

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"So what's the case?"

"We have 3, 14 and 15 year olds found with 21 stab wounds to the torso each and a knife still in each of their right legs." Garcia says as she clicks a button on the remote, the girls pictures showing up along with each of the crime scenes.

"So they left the murder weapon, maybe it's an act of remorse for the victims." Rossi said looking at the first victim.

"When was the first murder?" Derek asked.

"Um...(she swipes on her tablet) 1 week ago."

"So he's progressing quickly, that means we have to act fast, he is killing every 2-3 days. And if he fits the profile, he would be striking again today." Emilee said, questioning if she was right.

My dad had only talked about cases like this, but I never knew they could look like this, or happen to girls this young.

"It sounds like it may link to an emotional attachment in the unsubs life....Maybe lost someone around that age group. But as to why he is killing multiple I am still not sure."

"That makes perfect sense." Reid says grabbing a picture of the map and placing it on the board. Without even looking at us he connects the three dump sites together.

"The unsub lives somewhere in here." He stuck the marker in the middle of the circle.

'No wonder he has an IQ of 187. How can someone look that good, and be so smart at the same time.' You thought.

'Stop it! You can't be catching feelings this fast, that's impossible. Plus my dad would kill me if he even knew I was thinking this.'

Everyone shook their heads, Derek was being too quiet.

"JJ, do we have jurisdiction?"

"Yes sir."

"Wheels up in 20."

~~~~~X~~~~~On The Plane

(Reid's POV)

She was so beautiful. She looked almost nothing like Hotch. I really think that she is a great aspect to the team now, especially saying that we found the area of the unsub together in less than 3 minutes.

"Hey Reiders." She said coming to sit in front of me.


"Oh that's just my new nickname for you."

He looked down, then back up before he looked suspicious. "No ones ever called me that before."

"Well now I'm calling you that, and what are you thinking about?" The question came out so fast, I don't think she meant it, but it would be rude not to answer. I looked around the rest of the plane. Everyone was asleep or reading a book.

"Nothing." I said straightening up.

"Well...Okay...Do you want to play?" She said pointing at the chessboard in front of me.

Whoever was awake by that point was over by me and Annette. This was my game, I only ever lost to Gideon.

(Annette's POV)

His eyes lit up when I asked him. "Yeah, do you know how to play?"

"Yeah, Gideon taught me when I was about 12." She said sitting up this time.

Everyone including his jaw dropped.

"Well, Reid I guess you have met your match."

*15 minutes later*

"I'm about to win!" He said moving his queen 1 space.

"Ha I don't think so." I moved my piece.


He had the most hurt and disappointed look on his face. I couldn't help it, I got out my phone and took a picture, sending it to Garcia. 3 seconds later she popped up on the screen.

"What happened to Reid?"

"She beat Reid at chess."

"Oohhh, beating pretty boy at his own game."

He gave her a "shut up" glare and everyone laughed.

"Garcia do you have anything going for us." Hotch said looking up from his file.

"Oh yes sorry, there was another victim, Savannah Evanston, located 3 miles away from the first dump site, of Aly Jenkins."

I looked over Reid's map and it made perfect sense.

"Savanah was personal."

"There was massive overkill to her torso, and even a bullet to the head. I wouldn't want to have a grudge against him." Rossi said straining up in his seat.

"Okay thanks Garcia."

(TV shuts off)

"Reid and Annette go to the first dump site, me and Morgan to the 2 and 3rd, Rossi and Jj go to the newest site, and Emily go start working on the profile. Meet back at the station in 5 hours. We'll go over what we have, then check into the hotel for the night."

5 minutes later the jet landed and we were on our way to my first case at the BAU.

A/N: I am so glad for all the support I am getting for my book! Thanks so much!

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