Chapter 7

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Annette's POV

'He's so adorable when he sleeps' I think to myself eyeing him. He didn't smile, but he was so calm, like he hadn't slept in days and this was the first time he was getting the chance. Making sure my father wasn't watching. He knew I fell for people easily, and with what happened in my last relationship, it drove him over the edge. But that is a story for another time... If I was caught even starting to catch feelings for someone, I got a stern talking to. I glanced back at my dad who was eyeing me, probably getting the idea that some feelings were sparked in this case. I gave him my best stare down face, until Derek passed through on his way to get coffee.

"Hey, whatcha starin' at?" He got down in front of my face on the way back to his seat.

I shook my head and looked down at the case file in my hand.

"Nothing Derek," I said sternly, maybe he would walk away. But no, he persisted.

"I don't think so." He said placing his mug on the table in front of me roughly and crossing his arms, gaining a look from everyone.

"Why are you so nosy?" I said scrunching my nose and looking back at Spencer for a brief moment.

"If I didn't say so myself I'd say you were looking at Sp-" Spencer started to wake up.

I stood up to walk to the back of the jet, Derek stayed knowing he probably hit a nerve. He's the one that protected mine from my last boyfriend, Allan. He was abusive, and didn't care for me besides the occasional shower he let me have when I was going to see my parents and brother.

Derek found out through the bruises on my arm that wasn't so discreet, and he got sent away somewhere, I don't know where, but Derek does. JJ followed me to the back, closing the sliding door as she enters. Not even she knew, and I didn't want her to find out like this.

Spencer's POV

I woke up to the sound of someone's heels clacking past me, and into the back room. Derek looked at me as I tried to hoist myself up to be in a natural sitting position. Everyone was silent, either staring at me, Derek, or Hotch. Derek at me, me at Derek, and Hotch at both of us. He could be intimidating when he needed to be.

"What the hell was that about?" Rossi says the elephant in the room, gaining glares from the team. "She's a very sensitive person, questions break her down too easy, you know that Rossi," Derek says finally going to sit down in his seat next to where JJ once was with a sigh...

"I'm asking for Spencer's sake, he was asleep Derek, he knows hardly anything about Anne." That nickname. I looked at them closely, knowing Derek wasn't saying anything. Hotch was looking at him intentively, this is a close nit secret as far as I can tell.

"What, no words?" Emily says coming over to sit by me, everyone breaking there look with Derek to look over at me, expecting me to say something.

"Why am I here?" She looked shocked and looked with sympathy and helplessness to the others. "What do you remember, what was the last thing you remember?" Emily said with concern clouding her voice as she walked over and rubbed my back, but I pulled away. Physical contact would offer me no comfort at this point as I looked around confusedly finding that we were back on the jet

"The day I met Hotch's daughter, about 3 weeks ago when she met Daniel for our party," I pulled on my long fingers, breaking the longing stare with everyone, "but why am I here, we didn't have a case did we." I tried hard to remember, but the last three weeks seemed to be a large blur.

"Spencer, we've had 3 since then, this was Annette's first case. She saved your life, then almost killed you in one day." I breathed in and out and threw my head back, not sure what to say now. The answer caused so many more questions to arise.

So the conversation went silent, everyone casually going back to there things, but the stares between Hotch and Derek were unnerving. I heard faint crying coming from the back room, I don't know why but I played back down and started crying faintly to myself, not questioning it, but just letting it happen.

Derek's POV

"Rossi, I don't think he remembers what happened." He says referring to the rough case just 2 days ago.

"Maybe that's a good thing, he doesn't need anything else. It already looks like he can't handle remembering, he's so used to remember that it's hard not to." Emily sighed and looked over at Spencer who had cried himself to sleep. 'God, I hope he was going to be okay, that kid doesn't need anything else bothering him right now.'

Annette's POV

I started fake crying, just to make JJ think it was something Derek said. Really, it was but that's not the whole reason why I stormed off, and I hoped no one ever figured it out. Not even Derek himself.

"What's wrong, what did he say to you?" She started rubbing my back as we crumpled to the floor. I was good at faking sadness and she knew that she saw me do that before with my dad to get out of going on a case with him when I was younger.

"Derek's so pushy sometimes I swear," she responded with a snarl and I started to cry just a little harder to make emphasis, I heard a beep on my phone but ignored it, "you're so good at that you know, I actually believed you there for a minute." I stopped crying and looked up at her and she gave me the 'I know what you're trying to pull here and it ain't gonna work' look.

"I just don't want to be around them, JJ I think I like Spencer." She was going to respond to the first half of my comment until I said the last. "When we were in that house together, the way he protected me, I know that's his job, but still it felt different.

Like, he would do anything to keep me safe." She looked at me knowingly, God JJ was like a mom to me since my mom died. She just hugged me, she was going to be the only one to know about this crush. But of course, Garcia is as she says 'The all-knowing oracle.'.

"Oh my god." I heard on the other end of my phone, I ripped it out of my pocket to see Garcia on speaker. "Oh my god, I knew it." I took her off speaker, so only JJ and I could hear her voice. "What all do you know?" I asked calming down a little, but freaking out more if that makes any sense.

"Well I know you like Boy Genius and honestly I think that would be adorable, you two being together." "You know my dad, Penny he would kill Spencer, and you know I'm not exaggerating." She sighed and I looked over at JJ, she returned with a puzzled look on her face.

"This stays between us three." I pointed at the phone before hearing an 'okay and yes' from them both. Then I stood up and hugged JJ and thanked her before wiping my almost dry face and opening the door to walk back out.

I sat across from the couch, and JJ went back to her seat winking at me, I knew she would keep my secret.

I was just about to fall asleep when my dad told us the plane was about to land and to put or seat belts on. I left Spencer. I just watched him, not caring if anyone was looking over because at that point I knew I was staring at the love of my life. And not even my father could take him away.

A/N: Thanks so much to all of my early readers and followers. I am trying really hard to get these characters into a good viewpoint, so let me know if the characters behaviors are out of line from normal. Lots of credit to my wonderful co-writer. (Even though I wrote 2 pages, she turned it into, like 6.) I hope you all enjoy the rest of the story, big plans to come! ;)

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