Chapter 10

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Never again would they let Spencer go out alone. His family, too dangerous, and his job too tempting for the open eye. Just as Daphne was breaking through the back door, a wave of agents came around from the side of the house. 

"Don't shoot him, we will shoot you." Daphne laughed, that was hysterical to her. 

"Trust me, I've already given you the invitation to do so for a long time." Spencer was trying his last bit of strength to wriggle out of his sister's grasp, but failing as she continued to hold the knife in his leg, withholding him from running. 

"Just let him come to us and we can give you a deal, I'm sure they wouldn't mind taking a few years off the sentence," JJ said, trying to reason with her. Daphne then took the knife out, looked as if she was thinking then stabbed it into this chest, causing him to fall. 

"He needs to go, he was never even supposed to happen." The BAU team of now six paused at her words, never remembering Spencer ever saying anything about that. 

"My father was wanting Diana to get an abortion with him, but she purposely missed her appointment to have him. She wanted to start over on a new child. But I wasn't even getting started." After she finished talking and silence rang throughout the air, the knife was dropped but Spencer already had. They ran to get the cuffs and get her out of there. 

"Someone calls a medic, I swear we already had one here, but no, an FBI agent gets kidnapped and there's no medic," Rossi says, following Aaron to take Daphne in. 

They had to get a better confession and find out where Mr. Reid is. "Guys Reid..." Prentiss said and they all came and stood just feet away from the doors of the emergency truck as Spencer was shut in, to go see if anything can come out of this good. JJ stood an emotional wreck, Rossi trying to comfort her without fail. "Guys we have to go to the hospital, he may be in surgery, but our support is what he needs right now, especially since he can't trust hs family." "Let's just hope we can make it there before Will does." Everyone visibly tensed up at the words. But JJ was right. 

A/N: SOOOOOOOOO sorry its really short, but I literally wrote this is three days. Quality, not Quantity!

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