Chapter 11

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a/n: hey long time no see... i'm going to end this book soon i have no inspiration left for this topic

Word Count: 233

Spencer's POV

Nothing could erase the constant pain that rang through my body when she stabbed me. I tried crying but it just enhanced the aching feeling in my body. I was in and out of consciousness for what felt like hours, until the black couldn't hide and I fell under.

Will's POV (shocked?)

That bitch had one job. One job and she couldn't do it. I can't believe she fell for what they had to say. I was on my own to get Spencer back. He was the last test before I could do what I've been striving to do since I was little. I just had to distract the agents long enough to get Spencer, then everything would be back according to plan. There were no flaws, there was no room for there to be.

Annette's POV

I had to protect him. There was no question. He was so amazing, so losing him would crush all of us. I had a feeling Will would pull something even after we came to the hospital. This was years of revenge planned out. He would have had to have multiple backup plans. It wasn't until later in that day, did I realize one of those "plans" would be playing out.

a/n: sorry its short... remember i have no more passion for the topic, but for you guys, i will try to make it to a good ending

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