Chapter Two - Keep Dead And Carry On

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Chapter Two

Keep Dead And Carry On

Emberlynn's Point Of View...

"Your headmistress told us that you and the other half of your year do not get on so well, so we've given you separate dorms in the basement." said the kind woman who had introduced herself as Linda Iero, one half of the Slayer couple who ran this school for trainee Slayers. But no matter how nice she was, she was still a Slayer.

And Slayer's were not to be trusted.


But while we were here, we could not be seen as hostile or impolite; we couldn't start any fights...only finish them. So for now, I'd play nice: "Thank you very much, Mrs Iero."

"You're very welcome, Miss Hooks." she replied, before leaving me and the guys in the large room, all of us looking around appraisingly at the room.

It was very nice.

The walls were made of rough stone bricks the size of a loaf of bread, the floors made of black slate slabs. Three large emerald green sofas sat toward the left of the room, in front of a stone fireplace with a white fur rug under a glass coffee table between the sofas. Bookshelves made out of dark wood lined the back wall where six doors made of the same wood were set, assumedly leading to the bedrooms and bathrooms.

There was a kitchen area with a dining table big enough for twenty people made of glass with comfortable looking white and dark wood dining chairs. I peeked into one of the bedrooms to see it shared the same floors as the main room, the walls painted dark red, and it was equipped with three double four-poster beds with black sheets, black pillows and two sets of curtains: one sheer white, the other heavy red velvet. Each had a bed-side table with a red lamp on it, and had two drawers built into it.

There were three wardrobes, and another door: leading to a black, white and dark blue tiled bathroom. There was a large tub, a huge shower, and two sinks below a mirror built into the wall. The opposite wall was made of mirrors (tacky, if you ask me) and there was dark blue towels and shower gels, shampoos, conditioner and shit.

This school was well prepared, I'd give them that.

"Good for parties." CC said finally, and I nodded. "We're underground, surrounded by at least two feet of solid rock, even above us. And there's room to set up all our instruments over there."

"I'll get the drums - " Chris said, but I snapped my fingers and all our instruments appeared neatly stacked by where CC had proposed we put them. That was my little 'extra' skill beyond mind-reading: I was telekinetic.

CC could control the earth, Jinxx was pyrokinetic, Jake could manipulate water, Ashley controlled the air and Andy had the ability to make people feel close to each other, want to help and be friends. They called themselves the Wild Ones, a little group within our own little Coven.

But they weren't the only ones with powers: Angelo didn't have any powers other than his high patience levels, Chris didn't have any powers per se, but he could somehow remember everything he'd ever heard (it made him an arsehole in an argument), Devin could touch an object or a person and see anything in it's or their past. Balz could enchant people with anything he could play on the piano, leaving them almost in a trance. Ricky and Ryan didn't have any powers either, but again like Angelo: their tolerance was awe-inspiring.

The Fuentes brothers - Vic and Mike - could shape-shift, but unfortunately Jaime didn't have any powers yet. It was possible he'd develop one, but it was un-likely. But like Angelo, Ricky and Ryan, he never let it get to him: and he was the best at mind control out of all of us, since when we were practising with our other powers he was focusing on that.

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