Chapter Four - The First Rule Of Fight Class...Kick The Hell Outta Them

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Chapter Four

The First Rule Of Fight Class...Kick The Hell Outta Them

Gerard's Point Of View...

I watched as the wild haired Vampire with a pet lion (who was thankfully not accompanying them right now) laughed at something he'd said to Emberlynn, the female who seemed to lead that little group. She in turn was giving him a confused look like he was insane, along with the rest of her little group...or perhaps they prefer coven, I thought with a sneer.

However mocking the parasites was not the foremost thing on my mind right now. Even with all of them standing there, unsuspecting and unprepared, they still weren't the easiest target in my line of sight.

That was poor little Kellin Quinn.

Seeing my usual - and just about the easiest - target, I sauntered over confidently with Frankie just behind me. Mikey, Ray and Bob followed the pair of us too, but I knew they'd have to part in this, they just wanted to make sure we didn't get our asses handed to us but a group of angry Vampires.

Not that that would ever happen of course, but with those parasites I guess it was better to err on the side of caution.

Anyway, the shape-shifting freak that seemed so attached to Kellin wasn't around, so I figured we might as well have some fun with him. Vampires were selfish, they wouldn't care what we did do him since it wasn't like he was their crush.

"Hey faggot, you finally found a good use for how wide you can spread your legs?" Frankie taunted: "Must be a dream come true, having all these other faggots come to this school."

The wild haired boy growled, the sound rumbling from his chest as the other males took it up, meaning we could almost feel it in our chests as well as hear it, and we could certainly feel the threatening aura they exuded in such a high intensity.

Unfortunately for them, we weren't exactly non-threatening ourselves.

Bob took a step forward, but so did the tall blue eyed one, baring his fangs as Bob got too close and snapping at him when he didn't take a step back. It was something Bob didn't do afterwards either, but he did stop moving. The Vamp may have been skinny-looking, scrawny even, but we had no doubt he could bench press a small car if he felt like.

In turn, when Ray took a step forward he was confronted by the tall brown eyed one with the drawn-on eyebrows, the one who I seemed to remember was called Chris.

The wild haired one glared at Frank darkly, hissing like a cat when Frank raised his hand - he was only rubbing the back of his neck, but the gesture had been calculated to make Kellin flinch, which it had, mainly because even surrounded by his friends, Kellin was such a pussy. There was no doubt who'd be the bottom in that relationship.

The other male - Ricky, I think - with long black hair merely looked at Mikey coldly, his poker face just as good as my little brother's, if not slightly better. I suppose being dead meant it was easy to keep your expression as still and dead-looking as a corpse's, but that wasn't my biggest concern right now, no.

Because I had an arrogant female Vampire looking at me condescendingly as Kellin was quickly pulled aside by the other five Vamp females who didn't seem to be a part of their group but their leader had announced Kellin part of their school when we'd chased him into the basement yesterday.

I had to admit I didn't focus on them one bit; Emberlynn (despite her disgusting species status) was distracting good looking.

Her black basket ball shorts resting on her hips and a tight black crop top showed off her lithe body well, not to mention all her tattoos: a sleeve on her right arm, and something on her ribs I couldn't quite make out, and the quote just above the waistband of her shorts: 'I've been running for so long, but I'm still breathing' in twisted and thorny script, below a blood red rose that was stark against her pale skin.

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