Chapter Eight - Someone Get Her To The Doctor, And Someone Call The Nurse

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Chapter Eight

Someone Get Her To The Doctor, And Someone Call The Nurse

Chris's Point Of View...

Everyone rushed towards the corridor the second year she'd saved told us she'd just left Emberlynn fighting five angry Slayers, even Nikki and her half of the year, and Valentina, Kellin and Mikey. Those Slayers might not be Vampire - Vee being a sort-of exception as she was half Vampire - but over the last couple of months they'd been with us, they'd become like part of the school, and they were just as protective over Emberlynn as we all were.

Crashing through the doors, I saw Mikey's older brother Gerard kick a heavilly bleeding and severly dazed-looking Emberlynn onto her back, causing crimson blood to spill over her chin as she coughed it up, staining her alabaster colour the same shade as her lipstick.

She looked out of it...although not as out of it as Gerard Way would look when we were done with him.

He raised a wooden blade above his head, and started to bring it down, but suddenly a knife was thrown and he cried out, the handle sticking out from his shoulder as the knife dropped from his hand as Vee rushed forward to scoop it up off the floor.

"Ooh, look, it's Valentina Vampirena!" he mocked venomusly at her from where she was pining him against the wall with the help of Balz.

"Shut the fuck up, Gerard." Mikey snapped from where he was hovering protectively over Andy and CC, who were trying to tend to Emberlynn's wounds...they couldn't get her to wake up, and I could hear her heartbeat slowing down with each pulse.

Andy took his shirt off, wadding it up and pressing it to her shoulder as Mikey noticed the blood pooling beneath her, taking off his own shirt, folding it and getting CC to help him lift her so he could put it over her wound, hoping to stanuch some of the bleeding:

"Get a doctor, now!" I ordered Ricky, who took off at Vampire speed, Ryan, Ashley and Jinxx hot on his heels. I fell to my knees next to Emberlynn, taking her cold hand in mine, my heart racing at the fact that even to another Vampire like myself, Emberlynn felt cold: "Oh, God, Emberlynn...I'm so sorry. I told you we wouldn't let him get to you..." I murmured, tears building in my eyes as I held her hand up to my mouth and kissed the side of it gently: "We promised and we let you down, I'm so sorry Emberlynn, so, so sorry..."

Andy, too, had tears in his eyes at this point: "Please don't die on us, Em...we need you; who else is gonna control us all, huh?" he asked, trying to sound teasing and playful, but it sounded like what it was: begging, and Andy was rocking slightly as he held Emberlynn's other hand, tears finally spilling over his cheeks. "Oh please, God, Emberlynn don't you dare die on us. How are you gonna see us succeed if you're not here anymore?"

CC was crying silently as he used all his strength to put pressure on the wound, mutturing what sounded like an unfamiliar prayer under his breath, over and over again, in a language I didn't know or understand.

Vee was in shock, she'd never seen Ember like this, only as the strong young woman she'd grown up to be...but I'd seen her like this before, and it was the night she'd died in front of me.

Only Vampire blood saved her, but that wouldn't be enough this time...

Mikey crawled over, his hands and knees stained dark red with her blood as he pulled her head into his lap, putting his hands on her temples as he started to mutter a spell, his hands glowing bright blue, encasing Ember's head in a halo of light, but not causing her to wake up. He nearly drained himself, in the end slumping over and having no choice but to allow Vee to gently pull his hands away as he cried silently onto her shoulder.

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