Chapter Fifteen - And All The Smiles That Are Ever Gonna Haunt Me

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Author's Note: This is it: the last chapter besides the epilogue. I hope everyone enjoyed it!

Chapter Fifteen

And All The Smiles That Are Ever Gonna Haunt Me

Emberlynn's Point Of View...

I sat beside my bed, holding the cold, pale hand of my unconscious Mate. He was so still, almost...almost corpse-like.

Just the thought hurt.

I'd thought I was over the whole 'school-girl-crushing-on-her-Mate' thing, but apparently not...I guessed that was what getting your Mate getting shot in front of you will do.

We were having out first kiss...I thought: it was meant to be magical! Fucking amazing and something I'd want to remember forever! And I would remember this, there was no fucking doubting that now, but not for the reasons I wanted. Not for the reasons any girl would ever want: Vampire, Slayer or human! That fucking bastard!

"Is he gonna be okay?" asked a quiet voice. I turned to see Frank Iero - Junior - standing in the doorway to my room, looking like death. I couldn't blame him; he'd just lost both his parents, his best friend and adopted brother was in a coma, and he - like all of us - had witnessed stuff in the past few days no teenager should have to.

"I hope so." I whispered back, my voice husky from crying so much.

Hope was all I could manage; Gerard had been stitched up, the bullet passing through him and grazing my ribs on the way out, his wounds had been cleaned and bandaged, he was on a saline drip to fight infections and he'd had my blood. There was nothing else we could do...and that was killing me inside.

Because we'd done all we could but he wasn't waking up.

Frank sighed, before coming to sit next to me: "I can't believe my dad tried to kill him...his own son. Adopted son, but still...we were family."

I nodded silently, knowing Frank wanted to vent. Really I didn't blame Frank's father; he was insane,not right in the head, and the only reason he'd shot Gerard because he was with me...Gerard getting shot had been all my fault.

"Dad only knew who you were because of me...this is all my fault."

"No, Frank. If he hadn't seen me with Gerard...he didn't care who I was, he only cared that I was a Vampire. That was the only reason he shot: he didn't care that me and Gerard were Mates, only that we weren't both Slayers."

"I hate him." Frank said quietly: "He killed my mom. He almost killed Gerard. He's responsible for so much death and pain...I FUCKING HATE HIM!" Frank cried suddenly. I pulled him into a one-armed hug; I may not have been his biggest fan, but he was a friend of my Mate's, and that meant that he was to be looked after, no matter how I felt about him personally. He was Gerard's brother as much as Mikey, that I knew, and that meant as I was concerned, he was family.

"It'll be okay, Frank, it'll all be fine." I comforted, rubbing his shoulder, offering any solace I could, even if it wasn't much. I knew it wasn't enough...but it was something.

Mikey came in tiredly, followed by Vee, and the four of us sat in silence, watching Gerard for any sign of wakefulness...but none came.


Three days later, and I hadn't moved.

I hadn't slept.

I hadn't eaten.

I hadn't had any blood, and right now I couldn't care less; Gerard wasn't awake, Gerard wasn't doing any of those things, and until he did neither could I. I couldn't let myself, this entire situation was my fault in the first place...I'd told Mikey to get him to that corridor, I'd kissed Gerard and distracted him, I didn't hear Frank Senior sneak up on us and pull the trigger...I didn't save Gerard. I was the reason Gerard was in this state. It was all my fault.

All my fucking fault!

Mikey came in, Chris and Frank flanking him as Jaybee and Andy stood by the door and they all glared at me menacingly:

"You need to sleep." Chris said.


"At least have some blood and maybe some food." Andy tried.


"A shower? Just have a quick shower, it'll help you focus." Mikey tried to bargain.


"This isn't healthy, Emberlynn!" Chris snapped, his eyes wide with worry: "You don't sleep, you don't feed, and you barely talk anymore! One word answers and nothing more! You're scaring us, Em, we're fucking terrified here because we don't know what to do anymore!"

"You can't do anything." I replied stonily, my longest sentence in what felt like forever forcing itself out of my throat like ground up glass and sandpaper, almost making me cry: "Until he wakes up, there's nothing to be done."

"Emberlynn, you can't - " Frank started, but I held up a hand to cut him off.

"I can, I have been and I'll continue to do so. Until he wakes up, I will not move."

The room was silent for a few seconds, until there was a painful cough from behind me and a croaky voice told us: "I feel like I should make some remark...but honestly my back hurts too much for me to be my usual, sassy self."

I whirled round, to see my Mate's agonisingly beautiful hazel eyes looking up at me warmly. I threw myself onto the bed bed next to him, wrapping my arms around his worryingly thin shoulders. Gerard chuckled lightly, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me close to nuzzle his face into my hair.

 "I thought you weren't going to wake up." I whispered brokenly against his neck.

"And not sassing the hell out of you between kissing you senseless?" he whispered softly in my ear, stroking my back comfortingly: "not a chance."

I laughed quietly even as I nuzzled deeper into his t-shirt, surprised to feel a soft blanket being thrown over the pair of us, turning to see Chris settling it and making sure we were both covered: my intimidating, six-foot-two, tattooed mother hen with fabulously drawn on eyebrows.

"Both of you get some sleep - and I do mean sleep. If I hear any funny business, Way, I'' chop your dick off. Capiche?"

"Got it." Gerard said, before both of us faded into a peaceful sleep.


Two weeks later, and Gerard was up and walking. He was slow and a little unsteady on his feet, but he was walking all the same. Me and Frank were always by his sides, making sure he wasn't going to fall on his face.

He had a pretty face, I didn't want him to break it.

Shallowness aside, I didn't want him to hurt himself; he'd been through enough. So now, Gerard was walking through the school with me and Frank on either side of him, walking through the carnage that had been their entire lives. Me and Frank knew what it was like, hell Gerard did too, but seeing it in the cold light of day, with no war to fight, no battle to was horrific, and that was just for me.

This had been their home for as long as they could remember...God only knew how they felt.

Gerard took my hand, and I squeezed it comfortingly: no words would make this better for him, at least not any I could think of, and so all I could do was be here for him, no matter what...and so I would be.

Forever and always...

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