Chapter Six - You Are Never Coming Home

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Chapter Six

You Are Never Coming Home

Mikey's Point Of View...

It was late when I'd finished talking to Valentina...or Vee, as she told me to call her. She was a really nice girl, I couldn't understand why she wasn't in normal lessons with the rest of us, and whenever I tried to question her about it she just shook her head and looked sad before repeating that I should ask Gerard and his friends.

I don't know what he'd done this time, but how he'd crushed a girl's spirit some completely...I didn't know, and part of me never wanted to. The majority of me, however, not only wanted to know but also to kick his ass until he apologised enough to make her feel better.

As I got the staircase that would lead me to my dorm, I found Gerard and Frank waiting for me: "Hey, guys. What's up?"

"You know 'what's up'!" Gerard hissed at me venomously through clenched teeth, looking more pissed off than I'd ever seen him in my life: "You fucking traitor!"

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked, confused as fuck. How was I traitor? Was this about me hanging out with Vee? Or...fuck...please, God, don't let them know I was half Witch, please.

"You're Mated!" Frank sneered: "To one of them!"

"What the - "

Gerard threw a bag at me: "You're lucky Ray convinced me to give you that much, traitor. You're not coming back to our dorm room, Michael. You are never coming home, do you hear me?"

"Gerard - " I pleaded, not knowing what it was that I'd done, but whatever it was I wanted to fix it; it had to be big if it was meaning Gerard was kicking me out of the dorm room that I'd called home for years.

"Fuck off, Michael. Go screw those parasites you're so fond of, and never speak to me again." he said in a dead voice before he and Frank left me standing there with a bag of my possessions and tears in my eyes.

I don't know how much time passed but eventually I felt a cool hand was placed on my shoulder. I whirled round to find a sleepy looking Emberlynn behind me. Her hair was in a messy ponytail, and she wasn't wearing anything but a baggy Iron Maiden t-shirt and leggings, no shoes and no short, she looked like she'd been just dragged out of bed.

"C'mon, Way Witch, and all will be explained." she said, yawning, motioning for me to follow her down to where her and her year group were sleeping. And like the idiot I was...I followed her.

The journey was silent, but not uncomfortable; I could tell Emberlynn had no ill feelings towards me, she was just too tired for conversation, a feeling I was all too familiar with from when people spoke to me in the morning before I'd drunken my coffee. Eventually we made it down to the basements where all the Vamps were staying, only to find seemingly the whole school in one room: and I was being led in like a lamb to slaughter.

...It was very hard to keep that image in mind when the 'slaughterers' were kids in their pyjamas. Some of which were quite...cute. And I said that in the manliest way possible.

"WE HAVE A PROBLEM!" Emberlynn shouted over the low hum of noise in the room, and suddenly everything went silent, all eyes focusing on her: "CC, you got this place covered?"

"Completely." CC replied as he tangled his hand through his lion's mane while sitting on his boyfriend's lap.

"Good. The Slayers have bugged at least some of our rooms. Unfortunately, Michael here has payed the price for their stupidity...SO BE NICE!" she roared when judgmental eyes turned to me.

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