Chapter Ten - Liar, Liar

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Chapter Ten

Liar, Liar

Emberlynn's Point Of View...

With each mouthful I took from Gerard's neck, I could feel myself getting stronger, more and more like my usual self: the bold, in-control, sassy Emberlynn everyone knew or some people even liked.

Really, I should have been fighting not to drain every drop; I was in need for the nourishment that much...but even when starving, Vampires could never hurt their Mates. So by not even trying to restrain myself and yet still having perfectly clear thoughts and a count on the beat of his heart, it only made me more certain that he was my Mate.

Not that I was uncertain before, but this just...proved it. Sealed the deal and all of that crap.

Eventually, I pulled away, wiping the thin trail of blood off the side of my mouth. Gerard was a little out of breath, as was I, but nothing was said between us until I heard shouting from outside the room.

"Let me the fuck in, you freakish faggots!"

The loud (and frankly quite offensive) shout was accompanied by the door being kicked open, revealing Gerard's short friend: Frank Iero. Unsure of what was going to happen next, I slipped off of Gerard's lap with my usual amount of grace, thankful that my strength was now fully returned to me. If Frank was going to attack me again...I wouldn't be defenseless.

"What the hell, Gerard?! She's a disgusting freak of nature, and you're helping her to get better? What the hell is wrong with you - have you gone soft? Are you falling for all that 'we can be friends with the parasites' shit? Because you can't! If you think you can, you're fucking delusional!"

Gerard had been trying to cut off Frank's (again: loud and quite offensive) ranting, but it took him until Frank paused to take a breath to finally get a word it: "Frank! Frank Iero Junior! Just shut up and listen, will you?"

Frank opened his mouth as if to start ranting again, but then shut it again and nodded at Gerard:

"I don't want to be her 'friend' - or anything else for that matter. I just didn't want to be thought of as a murderer."

Well...that was unexpected.

My heart contracted painfully at what he'd just said; he was my Mate, and he was just He was denouncing me like I wasn't worthy of him or something: like I was less than him just because I had fangs. Bigoted bastard!

My pain quickly transformed into anger: finally I wasn't feeling like a hurt little girl, I was feeling like a Vampire again. So, instead of allowing my pain to show on my face, I pulled the sheets out from under where Gerard was sitting, sending him sprawling onto the floor with an 'oomph'. I used my telekinesis to lift Frank away from the door, before opening it with the same force and allowing the guys through.

Frank and Gerard looked scared, but when I just sat cross-legged on the bed the guys followed my cue and either took a similar position or lent against the wall. When the two Slayers didn't resume talking, I waved at them, motioning for them to continue:

"Do, please carry on." I said: "That was getting interesting."

The pair of them looked slightly confused, but after a few seconds little Frankie the violent Vampire killer snorted: "Like we would listen to you, leech."

"Whatever, midget." I sassed back, making him flush with anger, but Gerard started talking before Frank could start being a prat again:

"She's nothing to me, just a piece of meat with teeth - "

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