#20 - Clever Girl

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And so they drove to the location indicated by the Man in Black. The ride could have been easily nominated for most awkward in history, the destination in line for weird idol hangout of ever runner up(because who could beat a sex toy factory?). The two trucks pulled into the empty parking lot of a large abandoned building. A sign out front had long since lost its paint but the raised letters could be read; Pleasant Inn Senior Services, or PISS, which is what the patients mostly smelled like in the nursing home's heyday. Rife with abuse claims, theft, even rape allegations against the nursing staff, the old folk's home had long been closed. Now it was falling apart, glass replaced with plywood, grass overgrown in the sparse places it existed and gang tags sprayed along the outer walls.

Cayce turned off the ignition, glancing at Pyro and Gia getting out of the other vehicle. "Before we go knock, what kind of guy is this doctor?" He asked, not really wanting an answer.

"Sexist," The Man in Black replied, rifling through the glove compartment. "She... is... usually harmless but then again I've never heard of anyone asking for their memories back."

"I feel it. This is going to be a s@#$storm." The mohawked man aggressively rubbed at his temple and when that provided no relief, he slammed shut the box. "Out of the truck. Out. And Az? The bedazzled nutcase is your responsibility. No hexing, no bulls#@$."

"Whatever," she replied, hopping from the cab.

After punching the dash a few times, Cayce followed and soon the group was gathered at the entrance. There was nothing inviting there, it didn't even look accessible by non violent means but the Man in Black pushed at the doors and they opened to pure darkness.

"After you," he said.

"Nope," Cayce replied.

The Man in Black shrugged and walked in, Azalea, Cayce, Hunter and the rest behind him. The small amount of light from the doorway proved useless for navigation. Worse, they were all soon plunged into inky blackness as the door slammed shut behind Gia who gave a sharp yelp that could have easily been mistaken for Hunter. Cayce was digging through his pockets for a flashlight or two when florescent beams overhead began to struggle for life. The few lights that remained functioning, did so poorly, buzzing and blinking.

It was enough to see by, barely, showing them an open lobby with toppled chairs and long dead plants. Not far was a nurses station, plexy glass windows smeared with more than grime, something dark, reddish brown. Long hallways extended in three directions, almost completely obscured in shadow. Everyone took in the scenery with quiet horror.

Pyro finally broke the silence. "Screw this," he said, laughing, voice a bit strained. "I've seen enough movies, played enough games."

"Seconded," Gia chirped. "You guys only knew each other a few months or so anyway. Make new memories."

Cayce didn't even bother turning to them when he spoke. "Leave. It doesn't concern either of you anyway."

Their exit was quick and shameful for self proclaimed vigilantes but who could blame them? Cayce certainly didn't. If this was the habitat, he didn't want to see the beast that called it home but manliness and loyalty required he go on.

With finality, the door slammed shut, leaving them to their fate.

The Man in Black pushed away from the damaged vending machine he'd been propping up. "So. Let's split up. Dog take the right hallway. Velvet Revolver, take the middle and madam and I will take the left."

"That's not happening," Cayce said, then turned to Azalea. "Do you remember this place?"

She nodded, a faraway expression on her face as she recalled the event. "It's a little hazy but I think we just went in the second room on the far side of the right hall, maybe the first room."

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