New starts ... I hope (Chapters 27 & 28)

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Hey guys! Thanks for waiting! I tried to write chapters whilst revising lol, only one more exam! Anyways if your'e wondering, i upload on Saturdays, cos i proof read my work then of course! it isnt easy lool. 

Video : Tiao Cruz dynamite ( the girls in the story were MUCH worse than that -the video was good!)

I love you guys!

Vote comment, am i charging you? lol :D


Chapter 27 – Changes

“Yeeeeeeesss!!! I told you! I told you! Wooohooooo!! “Gaby screamed in the hallway of the house. She was doing her famous victory dance.

“Gaby, calm down okay?” Lewis said calmly but he looked like he was going to burst with happiness too.

“I told you it would be a girl! Ha-ha!” she grabbed my hand and danced around the hallway twirling me with her.

“I can’t believe your this excited, wasn’t it you that said, ‘I’m always right’?” I mentioned mimicking her. The rest of the family started laughing.

“Yeah … I know but … OH MY DAYS!” Gaby carried on screaming and dancing and even when we were eating she was smiling.

We were all smiling, I couldn’t stop showing off the pictures from the scan and everyone kept ‘oohing’ and ‘ahhing’.

“This calls for us to celebrate!” Lewis’ dad smiled.

10 minutes later we were all watching Home Alone 3 and eating a massive Domino’s pizza and cake. Lewis’ mum and dad looked at each other weirdly before both turning to me.

Lewis’ dad nodded then looked at his wife again.

“Jessica,” she started

“Its been really great having you here, and I think, we really think you’ve been a great blessing to us all” she said smiling.

I grinned from ear to ear. I was happy that I was accepted here, not many people could be able to put up with a pregnant hormonal teenager, especially with children themselves.

“Well we know that your old school had to send you out, but me and my wife were researching and made some calls …”

“And me and Andre saw a great college for you!” His mum piped in.

“A college? For me?” I asked dumbfounded. What kind of school would let someone like me in?

“It’s a school especially for girls like you; it’s so good that you can stay even after you’ve had your baby because they have a crèche where they look after your child while you learn!”

I looked at them both and thought about it, I couldn’t see my life get any better than this in 10 years time. My dreams of being a dancer were quickly slipping away, and I started to wonder what I was going to do in my life.

“They have their open day at 5 tomorrow, and we’d really love for you to come … that’s if you want to go?” his mum asked.

All eyes were on me and not the giant TV. I thought about it again. I have always wanted to be a dancer, and if I went to this school it might just be possible.

“Do they have any dance courses?” I asked curiously.

Andre (Lewis’ dad) and Anita (Lewis’ mum) smiled at each other. “There’s only one way to find out” they smiled

On my sweet sixteen i'm a PREGNANT TEEN!Where stories live. Discover now